Times Leader
Friday, October 26, 2001 Page: 5A
Fund-raising events:
Huntsville United Methodist Church Sunday school classes will conduct a
Warm a Heart fund-raiser by selling soup, including Manhattan clam chowder.
Half the proceeds will go to a United Methodist Church relief organization and
half to the Huntsville church. The event will be held from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday at the church on Huntsville Road in Jackson Township. For more
information, call 696-3988.
Concert for the Cause: A Benefit for the New York Emergency Services, will
be Saturday at Jimmy’s Nightclub in Hanover Township. Bands that will perform
include 40-lb. Head, Skyfish Riot, Sack, Ripchord and Time to Think. P.J. the
DJ will play music between sets. Donation is $5 and show time is noon-8:30
p.m. Proceeds will benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Call
An benefit concert will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at Holy Resurrection Orthodox
Cathedral, 591 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, featuring the Bicentennial Male
Chorus of the Orthodox Church’s Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania. Orthodox
liturgical hymns will be performed. An offering will be taken for emergency
relief. For more information, call the Rev. Joseph Martin at 822-7725.
Pittston Area Ice Hockey plans to donate proceeds from its 6 p.m. game on
Sunday against Wyoming Area Ice Hockey at the Ice Box in Jenkins Township to
the New York City Police Department Widow’s and Children’s Fund. A
representative from the NYPD will attend the game. Cost is $4. For more
information call Matt Farrell at 829-5151 or e-mail [email protected] .
A breakfast will be 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday to raise money to build a
memorial coal statue of a police officer for New York City police. It will be
held at the West Side Area Vocational-Technical High School, 75 Evans St.,
Pringle. The event is sponsored by the vo-tech’s law enforcement/police
science program, Back Mountain Police Association and Wyoming Valley Fraternal
Order of Police No. 36. The cost is $5. For more information, call 288-8493,
extension 322.
The Jefferson Park Association is sponsoring two fund-raisers to benefit
the American Red Cross. A spaghetti dinner will be 1-4 p.m. Nov. 11 at the
Fred Demech Ballpark, corner of Cornelia and New streets, Pittston. Cost is $6
for adults and $3 for children under 12. A Festival of Hope will be 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Nov. 18 at the ballpark featuring a flea market and bake sale. For more
information or to donate baked goods, call Rosie Linko at 654-0003.
The St. Jude’s Men’s Club is sponsoring a benefit dance from 8
p.m.-midnight Nov. 17 at the Father Nolan Center, located on the St. Jude’s
Church grounds, South Mountain Boulevard, Wright Township. Attendees must be
age 21 or older. Music will be provided by the band Which Doctor? and proceeds
will be donated to the United Way’s September 11th Fund. Tickets are $15 and
may be purchased by calling Frank Gavio, 678-7417; Scott Hettinger, 678-3190;
Dave Farrand, 678-7153; or Kevin Moulton, 678-3189.
If you’re planning a fund-raiser, let us know. Call Jean LaCoe at 829-7155,
e-mail her at [email protected] or fax the information to 829-5537.