
Tired of Idaho’s unrepresentative government? Then a majority needs to actually vote | Opinion

C.Wright9 hr ago

Laziness gives Idaho an unrepresentative government

First, let us congratulate the 24% (+ or – a little) of registered voters who cast their ballots in May. They performed the most important civic duty of citizens in our republic — voting.

The primary is the most critical part of our election process. Primary elections determine which candidates from the various parties go forward to the general election in November. Those candidates selected should represent the majority of their party's constituencies but seldom do.

Now let's talk about the 76% of registered voters that didn't bother to go to the polls. That 76% failed to fulfill their obligations as functioning members of society. Because of this inaction, it is very likely that some unsuitable candidates were allowed to go forward to November. Those candidates want to decide what all citizens are allowed to do, read and learn. They want to force their biased and/or narrow views on the majority. They support denying a woman's sovereignty over their own body, want to decide what all their constituents read or what their children are taught in school.

By not participating in our democracy that 76% not voting results in a government that only represents a tiny sliver of the population.

Now, let's talk about the real problem. That is the difference between the number of age-eligible population and number of registered voters. Every Idahoan is eligible to register to vote if they are 18 years old or more, a U. S. citizen and a resident of Idaho for more than 30 days. The population of age-eligible residents is approximately twice that of registered voters. Even if all of the 76% of the registered voted in every election only 50% of the age-eligible population is represented in our governing bodies.

That is not representative government. It is your duty as a citizen to register to vote, to become knowledgeable about the issues involve, learn the views and positions of the individual candidates, and vote. Without active participation by all we do not have a democracy. There is a very steep price to pay for not voting. By not voting we are getting exactly what we deserve — denial of our constitutional rights by minority rule.

Regardless if you lean GOP, Democratic Party, Constitution Party, Libertarian or unaffiliated, register, learn and vote! Plato said it almost 2,400 years ago: "The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men."

Boy, was he ever right.

GOP platform not so extreme

Delegates at the recent Idaho GOP state convention were selected at the grass-roots level by Republicans from all over Idaho. Republicans selected local delegates knowing they could trust the delegates to accurately and energetically represent them at the convention. So, the Idaho GOP platform reflects beliefs and opinions of most Idaho Republicans.

Dorothy Moon (overwhelmingly elected chair by GOP delegates twice now) did not and could not compel Idaho Republicans to support these ideas. They have studied the issues, thought about them, discussed them and reached their own conclusions, as contained in the planks. The planks would be there with or without Dorothy Moon as party chair.

Statesman editorial board says "some planks of the Idaho Republican Party platform have become so radicalized and extreme, no one should support them." You wouldn't know it from reading the Statesman, but there are many well-informed and principled folks in Idaho who do support those planks. Statesman reporters should break out of their bubbles and do some real reporting. Get out and meet those deplorable Republicans and listen to what they have to say.

More mixed-use development in Boise

An idea for redevelopment of Boise Town Square would be a mixed-use commercial and residential complex, integrated with solar power microgrid and include common green spaces, such as community gardens, hydroponics and parks, as an amenity. Envision Amazon's Seattle Spheres.

Instead of leasing, some property might be placed in a land trust, and residential units sold, or leased by shares that would transfer ownership via real estate buy/sell agreements.

The city of Boise aspires to energy sustainability. Boise needs affordable housing. Idaho Power needs customers for renewable electrical energy consumption. Micron needs housing for its expansion.

To finance the project, Time magazine recently reported that the United Arab Emirates controls $1.5 trillion in investment capital funds. The UAE is diversifying. It is investing in artificial intelligence, real estate, microchips, and renewable energy. The UAE venture capital would be an ally for financing redevelopment of Boise Town Square, and the city of Boise renewable energy program.

Arabs have a long history of falconry. SW Idaho has lots of raptors. Arabian donors, in past, have generously funded the Peregrine Center.

This is a win/win. Contemplate and act.

Boise, make it so. It's doable.