
Veteran with PTSD helps himself heal by cooking

R.Taylor47 min ago

Harker Heights, TX ( FOX 44 ) — Steven Rossler is the owner of Rossler Blue Cord Barbecue. He was a member of the infantry in the Army for 20 years. After coming home in 2020, he started suffering from PTSD.

"I still have PTSD and obviously traumatic brain injury, but it was really bad and I really needed something to focus on. So, barbecuing really played a big part in that," says Steven.

At first, Steven would drink to cope with his PTSD, often times around the grill – but after an ultimatum from his wife, he chose to get help.

Now you can still find him behind the grill, but without a drink in hand.

"Just to see the love, and then through the chasm that he has for this, is just really great. That he's found something so positive. And he is obsessed. He sleeps and breathes barbecue," says co-owner Kristen Rossler.

On the days Steven struggles, he remembers his two daughters and wife to help put him in the right headspace.

"There's days where I doubt myself. I mean, I'm human, right? I'm human. But my biggest thing is that I have two daughters, six and nine [years old], and I'm creating a legacy for them," says Steven.

Thanks to a friend, Steven heard about the Semper Fi and America's Fund. The Fund dedicates by providing financial assistance and lifetime support for combat veterans and wounded veterans.

"I applied for The Fund, and The Fund has been absolutely amazing for our business, number one, helping us buy equipment," says Steven.

Steven says he has his dad to thank for getting him into barbecuing – and to honor his late father, Steven dedicated his food truck to him.