
Viral video: Travel vlogger claims to be 'robbed' in Delhi, calls it 'Asia's scam city'

B.Hernandez23 min ago

An English travel recorder dubbed Delhi "Asia's Scam City" after being "robbed" by a toy salesman. Ben Frier, nicknamed Backpacker Ben, posted a YouTube vlog on his recent trip to India. The film depicts his contacts with locals, including a man whose toy the vlogger was obliged to buy.

"I returned to my least favourite city in the world, Delhi! After a bad experience last time here in India, I swore never to return however [Benjamin Rich] asked me to join him on one last adventure. Will it be the same as last time? Let's find out!," said Frier.

What happened with the travel vlogger?

The Plymouth traveller was captivated by the habits of Indians, including being sent to a wine shop when he specifically asked for directions to a pub and an auto-rickshaw driver who willingly traded his fare for social media fame.

Frier may have disliked Delhi the most when, as he stated, he "got robbed". The incident was captured on camera at a traffic signal when he decided to buy a toy from a man.

However, when Frier handed him a Rs. 500 note and expected a Rs. 300 change in return, a second toy salesman expressed interest. So the first man outsmarted the vlogger by offering him merely Rs. 200 and tossing in an unwanted toy.Rich mocks him for being "broke" in the video, which shows him dumping the toy on the road.

How did people on the internet react?

Many others commented on Frier's vlog post, recalling their own travel experiences in India. Here's what people wrote on the internet.