
Waverley: Help for charities and groups to own public land

S.Wright47 min ago
A Surrey council has introduced a process for charities and community groups to own or run public land or properties.

Waverley Borough Council has written guidance for Voluntary or Community Organisations (VCOs) to apply for the leasehold or freehold of council assets at less than market value.

Bodies eligible for applications include charities, not-for-profit groups and parish and town councils, and the ownership should benefit the community.

Applicants must also be able to demonstrate a sound business or governance plan to the borough council.

Councillor Mark Merryweather said: "The passion, drive and enthusiasm of our communities is one of the biggest strengths of our borough, and involving residents in the provision of local services is a great way to make the most of it.

"We have a duty of stewardship over many public assets, and we take that responsibility seriously, but if there are better ways of using our assets to provide public services then they should be explored."

Council Asset Transfers (CAT) were popularised in 2007 and 2011 following a government review of empowering communities, known as the Quirk Review.

The review found communities benefitted when underused facilities were transferred to VCOs.

Waverley council has included CATs as a priority in their corporate strategy 2020 - 2025.