
What are the best states for teachers? Tennessee ranks in the bottom ten, according to one study

K.Thompson31 min ago

Tennessee is among the worst states for teachers according to a new study.

A recent study from Wallethub , a personal finance advisor, analyzed all 50 states and Washington D.C. to determine the best and worst states for teachers . States' scores were determined based on two primary categories: Ranking on opportunity and competition as well as academic and work environment. Overall scores were based on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the best.

Sub-categories for opportunity and competition include items like the average starting salary for teachers, average teacher pension, public school enrollment growth, average salary for teachers, income growth potential for teachers and more.

The academic and work environment sub-categories include existence of a digital learning plan, quality of school system, pupil to teacher ratio, public school spending per student, average commute time, share of teachers who feel supported by their administrator and others.

The highest scoring state barely made it past 60.

Here is what the study found.

Is Tennessee a good state for teachers?

Tennessee ranked as the fifth worst state for teachers in the country. It scored No. 43 in the opportunity and competition category and No. 33 in the academic and work environment category.

Best states for teachers

New York, which scored the highest among the states for teachers with a 60.73 score, ranked No. 2 for academic and work environment. In opportunity and competition, it ranked No. 9.

California was the No. 1 state for opportunity and competition while Maryland was the No. 1 state for academic and work environment.

  • New York: 60.73

  • Washington: 59.96

  • Virginia: 59.33

  • Utah: 58.36

  • Maryland: 56.84

  • Illinois: 56.10

  • Georgia: 56.05

  • Florida: 54.42

  • California: 54.31

  • Indiana: 53.96

  • Worst states for teachers

    Maine was the worst state for teachers with a score of 34.39. The Pine Tree State was No. 50 for opportunity and competition but ranked No. 20 in academic and work environment.

    New Hampshire ranked No. 51 in opportunity and competition. The No. 51 rank for academic and work environment goes to New Mexico which ranked at No. 25.

  • Maine: 34.39

  • Hawaii: 37.15

  • New Hampshire: 37.29

  • Nevada: 38.30

  • Tennessee: 38.67

  • District of Columbia: 39.52

  • South Dakota: 39.96

  • Alaska: 40.16

  • Oklahoma: 40.23

  • Louisiana: 40.37
