
What Reporter-Herald readers said this week

J.Davis27 min ago

Here is a selection of comments on stories posted by the Reporter-Herald on its Facebook page Sept. 21-27.

Thompson Valley football shuts out Loveland for second year in a row

Shannon J Lopatowski: They wouldn't have done that to the Indians.

Meghan Younker: Awesome. Go TVHS.

Brandon Acton: Started with that name change, lol.

Chris Holcomb: Looks like Loveland forgot the PAM.

HIP Street open house planned Tuesday in downtown Loveland

Katie Bugg: In 2009 when this was started, there (was) not the homeless population downtown.... so you think by making it LOOK BETTER that that will bring more people there?

Katrina McManus: BIG project, looking forward to implementation of self-standing public bathrooms for the community.

Loveland Public Library to reduce hours Oct. 1

Josie Brockmann: As a fellow librarian down the road, I'm sorry to hear this. Will be hard on staff and the public.

Stravon Boon: Good for them. They need to stay safe.

'It's a dream come true': Woman opens sewing class and shop space in southwest Loveland

Jazzmine Greenwalt: Will you only be hosting classes during week days? Full time career/ and mother here. Would love to learn.

Lisa Daniell: Ooooh, yay! I've always dreamed of doing something like this. Good for you girl!

Julie Beltran: Best art ever. I started sewing at 9 years old. It truly is a lost art

Salina Newton: Oh my, I've had a digital sewing machine for years ... but never took out of box. I think I will have to come to your class to learn.

Becky Robertson Williamson: Congratulations on your new store! There is definitely a lack of classes for garment sewing in the area.

MaryBeth McAuley: I would love to learn how to sew! So happy for you.

Heather Layne: Wow! I was just telling my friends that I wish there (was) a local place that offered garment sewing classes. This is amazing.

League of Women Voters to host virtual forum for candidates running for three Weld-area legislative seats

Kevin Cox: You mean League of Liberal Women Voters who are unfairly biased in their questions to protect those in whom they support.

PRPA warns Loveland City Council of high costs in carbon-free energy transition

Eric Hoffman: Like the council cares what it will cost us.

David Knudson: "PRPA warns ...". Probably a more appropriate verb would be "informs" as it should be noted the PRPA rep did not use the alarming, headline grabbing word "warns." All of us should appreciate there is a monetary cost to improving the quality of the air we breathe.

Colorado next up to argue its case against Kroger-Albertsons mega merger