
Wilcox: The Citizen reopening its Auburn office to the public this summer

L.Thompson9 hr ago
David Wilcox Executive editor

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, The Citizen has not held office hours open to the public.

Of course, we also moved during that time, from our longtime building at 25 Dill St. to a new space in Seminary Commons on Seminary Street, near the new Auburn Fire Department station .

Ever since we opened our new office, it's only been open to the public by appointment. While we've been accessible 24/7 by phone and email — in my case, (315) 282-2245 or — readers haven't been able to just stop in and see The Citizen staff like they used to for decades. But that's going to change this summer.

Beginning July 25, our office at 25 Seminary St., Suite R1, will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays.

The time and day of the week could change depending on the response from readers. Adding more days is another possibility.

Our district circulation manager, Jennifer Cooper, and I will both be available at the office on that day to help with editorial, circulation and subscription issues. The rest of our staff continues to work remotely, but they'll often be around as well. For advertising, obituaries, classifieds and other issues, please continue to use the contact information provided on our website and on page A2 of the paper.

Admittedly, we're a little tucked away back here, so I'll conclude with some directions.

If you're facing Seminary Commons — Auburn Discount Liquor on the left, the fire station on the right — head between the two buildings. You'll see a new sign for The Citizen in that space, and Willard Memorial Chapel in the background. Head toward the chapel. We're the last door on the right, and there's plenty of parking in front.

We look forward to seeing you!

Odds and ends

• Thank you to everyone who had kind words for The Citizen as we marched in the city of Auburn's Memorial Day parade last month. We look forward to marching for years to come!

• Similarly, thank you to everyone who attended our community Q&A at Seymour Library on June 17. We also look forward to continuing those events, perhaps at other libraries and venues as well.

• As many of you read, staff writer Robert Harding is stepping back from his political coverage . I just want to stress, however, that Robert will continue to cover government, policy and other news, including the governments of Auburn and Cayuga County. He won't be reporting on endorsements and campaign fundraising, but he'll still be doing the rest of the invaluable work he does for The Citizen.

Executive Editor David Wilcox can be reached at (315) 282-2245 or .

Executive editor