
Windy Wednesday as colder air moves in across Texas

A.Hernandez34 min ago
Boy, was it a windy day across the Lone Star State! Wednesday morning in El Paso, I woke up to the sound of strong winds howling through the wind tunnel in my backyard. I looked outside to see my solar cover nearly blown off, leaves everywhere, and two chairs flipped over. Windy days are my least favorite type of weather.

It's not just West Texans who are dealing with gusty conditions on Wednesday — it's the entire state. The strongest wind gusts being reported thus far before 12 p.m. were as follows: 48 mph near Corpus Christi, 45 mph at Midland International Airport, 38 mph near Tyler and Beaumont, and plenty of 30 mph or more wind gusts elsewhere across the state.

The winds are strong due to a cold front that pushed across most of the state. When a front passes your area, one of the most noticeable changes in the weather is an increase in winds. This is because a front brings along a different air mass with temperature contrasts, which helps contribute to an increase in the pressure gradient.

Pressure gradients refer to differences in pressures over a certain location. Tighter pressure gradients lead to stronger winds and vice versa. Fronts are common contributors to stronger gradients and gusty conditions.

Due to the strong winds and dry conditions in southeast Texas, a red flag warning has been issued there to alert residents of higher fire dangers in the area. Off the entire coast of Texas, small craft advisories have been issued due to the strong winds expected in coastal waters.

These winds will likely be a factor in most cities for the rest of the day Wednesday. Of course, depending on your exact geography, these winds could be amplified or more mild.

For folks who have to wake up quite early, the wind chill will make it feel a few degrees cooler than the actual air temperature on both Wednesday and Thursday night. Some places will drop down to the low 40s and even mid 30s over the next few nights. It does look like we will be warming up slowly over the next few days, however. Check below for a closer look at the feels like temperatures in your area below.

So, if you've been waiting for cooler weather, here it is! Are you happy yet? Do you like the wind that comes along with it? OK, I'm ready to go back to summer already! Let me know how you feel. Share your thoughts with me on Instagram .

Be sure to check back here on LoneStarLive.com for updates on the weather that will impact you.