
Woman attacked by man on bike after Uber drops her off in wrong spot

L.Thompson29 min ago
DETROIT (WXYZ) - A Michigan woman says she's traumatized following a brutal attack by a man on a bicycle that landed her in the hospital. Police say the attack was completely random.

Morgan Catton, 27, accidentally got dropped off by her Uber at the wrong location around 10:20 p.m. last Friday while headed to a friend's house in Detroit. Since she was just a few blocks away, she thought it was no big deal and decided to walk the rest of the way.

That's when she was attacked by a man riding a bicycle. As the man came toward her on the sidewalk, Catton moved out of his way, but he stopped.

"When he got close to me, he got off his bike, looked at me, grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the ground, where he repeatedly punched me in the face," Catton said. "It happened so quickly. There was no time to react. I didn't even get my hands on him at all."

Catton ended up in the hospital, needing stitches around her mouth and eye, following the attack, which police say was completely random. But the 27-year-old says she is just happy to be alive.

"I thought I was going to die," she said. "It felt like he had done that before."

The attacker is described as a man that looked to be in his 40s, around 5 feet, 8 inches tall and riding a dark blue or gray bicycle. He took off on that same bike after the assault.

Catton says she has been left traumatized by the incident. She hopes to remind women to use the buddy system when walking alone at night and carry some sort of protection. She wants spread awareness that these attacks happen, so no one else is hurt.

She also wants police to catch her attacker.

"I have a sick feeling in my stomach that if they don't find him, this will be something he does again," she said.

Police are continuing to investigate the incident.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help Catton with expenses. She has missed work due to her injuries and does not have health insurance.