
WYDOT, START issue paving traffic updates after Monday congestion

B.Lee39 min ago

JACKSON, Wyo. — After extensive traffic delays frustrated drivers on Monday, Sept. 23, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) issued an update regarding its road paving project on US89 through Jackson.

In a press release, WYDOT said its crews (along with contract crews from Evans Construction) will be working on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. "in an effort to complete the paving operations in seven work days." Crews are paving sections of the highway from High School Road to the five-way intersection with Flat Creek Dr. and Pearl Ave., plus part of WY22 near the Y intersection.

"This will impact commuter hours for roughly a week, barring any adverse weather or unforeseen events," the release said. "While the work is underway, WYDOT and the contractor will make every effort to maintain two-way traffic and access to businesses within the five-lane sections to help reduce delays and congestion."

A text alert from WYDOT on Monday evening told drivers to "expect heavy traffic congestion."

WYDOT noted that the work was scheduled intentionally, taking place at this point in the season to avoid peak summer traffic and simultaneously capitalize on acceptable temperatures for paving work. The agency said the completion date for the project is Oct. 11.

START Bus also issued a press release on Monday in response to the traffic delays, noting that its buses have seen delays of "about 30 minutes."

"Riders should anticipate delays for most buses due to impacts on roads throughout Jackson and adjoining areas," the release said. "START drivers are doing their best to adhere to scheduled bus routes and times but it is hard to know which routes will be most affected by the construction."

The Town of Jackson joined START in encouraging folks to consider alternative modes of transportation while traffic is tough.

"Walk, ride a bike, utilize a rideshare program, or ride the bus," the release said. "Yes, the bus will still be stuck in construction traffic but at least you can rest, read a book, or listen to a podcast!"