

S.Wright12 hr ago

June 26, 1924: A service of an impressive nature will be held this afternoon at Park Hill Cemetery, where the ashes of former Bloomington resident Herbert W. Blaney of Lowell, Massachusetts, will be spread. The cemetery was designed and laid out by Blaney during his residence in the city, and before his death, he told his family that he wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered in Park Hill Cemetery.

June 26, 1949: Karl Eduard Konrads, publisher of the Heidenheimer Zeitung, and Fritz Rudolf Deitz, chief editor and publisher of the Freankische Nachrichten, are the two German journalists expected to reach Bloomington around July 1 for two weeks of study at The Daily Pantagraph. They are part of a contingent of 22 German newsmen now in this country as guests of the federal government to learn something of the part that the press plays in our democracy.

June 26, 1974: For passersby, it has been a period of neck-craning and breath-holding, but for Charles Brunski it has been just another week on an "average job." Brunski, 45, of Wenona has been painting the 145-steeple of St. Patrick's Church, 1213 W. Locust St., for the past 10 days (between persistent storms). His weblike network of ropes and spidery ascensions and descensions have lured many eyes to his work.

June 26, 1999: While legendary General Motors engineer/designer Zora Arkus-Duntov was busy becoming the patron saint of Corvettes, his wife, ElfiArkus-Duntov, always waited patiently in the wings. In the Twin Cities this weekend for the Bloomington Gold Corvettes USA show, she's no longer on the sidelines. Today, she's in the spotlight as grand marshal of the show's motor tour when more than a thousand Corvette engines will be revved in a salute to her late husband.

Compiled by Pantagraph staff