
2024 Patch Candidate Profiles: Merry Garrett, State Senate

D.Miller32 min ago

: Retired, Director of Regulatory Insurance Technology & P/T Small Business Owner

: Married 33 years to my husband Albert Jr. He's a retired Operations Post Supervisor & Forensic Specialist and he's a Veteran (Staff Sergeant). Our daughter is a Supervisor for the Stamford Superior Court. She has dual degrees with a minor & concentration and graduated a Dean's Scholar from UConn Law School. A big part of our family was our doggy Myya. She died at age 16 years old and we miss her everyday..

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? Per your complete question, "Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? Please supply the names of any relatives who work in the government you're running for." No but I have family that is retired from working for the State of CT and our daughter works for the Stamford Superior Court.

Previous public office, appointive or elective

As have most, I have decades of business and civic involvement experience. Thankfully, our system of government allows fresh voices and ideas.

: Old enough to continue to always do better!

Why are you seeking this office?

We need real focus on what matters to our families in the district and someone others are willing to work with the reflect real progress. I am running for a variety of reasons some being... We need more money in our general funds to stop cuts to education. We are in dire need of affordable - attainable - inclusive - housing solutions that do not cost 4 or 5 times more than an annual salary via homeownership and rent controls without changing the beauty & character of our towns. See my opponent's voting record against viable housing bill solutions (bill HB5474). We need a HONEST advocate protecting our rights as individuals and as WOMEN by ensuring healthcare is not just affordable but available. Not some someone that voted against bill HB5424 to protect doctors in certain hospital from adverse actions because they performed living saving services for deadly pregnancies such as ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages and allowing them to SAVE the lives of mothers. Our electricity bills increased by 23% due to votes on bill SB7 in 2023 - my opponent voted for and he denied multiple times - voting records do not lie. I am pro-worker, pro-union and I've been endorsed over 2 dozen entities. Some of the unions include ronworkers Local 15, IUOOE, ISTSE, SEIUHealthcare, A&R Employees Union and many - many others. My knowledge is NOT stagnate and siloed into just a couple areas. I will put my decades of extensive business knowledge, vast civic engagement and work with others to bring relief to the 35th District. People of all political affiliations endorsed my nomination - * Democrat, * Independent, Republican & * Working Families parities. I will officially, be on the ballot of three of those parties (see *). That does not just happen, it is a valid and rigorous process to earn their trust and I will represent all people not just the few. I will be present in EVERY town to help make effective changes the residents want. I came out of retirement to do this for our district because we will no longer be an afterthought and we deserve better. I am only on the side of the people in the 35th District!

What do you believe is the No. 1 issue facing Connecticut, and how do you plan to address it?

The tax burden on working people and middle income families because the top 15 to 20% of Connecticut's richest residents are NOT paying their fair share due to write offs, tax shelters, tax brackets...etc. On average a teacher's salary is taxed more aggressively than a millionaire. That is not right on any level! I will work to change the tax code in the state to favor middle class families. There are only so many times you can visit the well before it runs dry and many families are unfairly feeling that burden. Budgets can only be balanced on the backs of working people and the middle class for so long before something collapses.

There have been an alarming number of deaths on Connecticut's roadways. Is there anything from a legislative standpoint that can be done to address that?

We need more officers on the highways. Road designs need to be reviewed and augmented to slow drivers down - especially on the major highways. New and updated roadways need to follow modernized safer standards. Other countries use methods we can explore to decrease accidents. Violators of fatal and/or repeat crashes due to intoxication of any type need stricter and longer term consequences. Several crashes occurred due to theft. Again, those consequences need to be reviewed.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I get real results and will not sit in the same seat for 2 years or 15 years without making major positive inroads for our towns. I'm on the ballot of the Democratic Party, Independent Party & the Working Families party because I will represent all people as proven by those affiliations not just a single party. Again, every major labor union - plus more endorsed me because I am always going to fight to the working and retired people of our district and state. My opponents words, inactions, NOT voting, voting against our best interests and what he calls "misspeaking" over and over again and ACTUAL state senate voting record do not match his communications or truthfulness. Similar to a professional career which is an important precursor and easily Googled. My business career has been stellar. I, Merry C. Garrett believe in doing the work myself NOT taking credit for the work of others. My entire professional career and residence has been in Eastern Connecticut. I adore this state and want to do all in my power to bring our young people back, give our seniors options to downsize and live in the towns they love. I want ensure once and for all the middle class families are get relief.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

As a highly successful Director of Regulatory Insurance Technology with staff in 5 locations I've worked across numerous major business centers & organizations, competed & negotiated for funding, wages and resources. Previous to that, I worked for the American Automobile Assoc. as an Insurance (Property, Casualty, Life & Health) Team Leader then a District Office Manager (Financial Service, Insurance and other services). I've worked with numerous organizations in the district in regards to housing, family needs, community involvement, education/mentoring, political party work and more. I bring fresh ideas, perspectives and will involve the citizens in the district to ensure our voices are heard too. Visit my Facebook page:

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I came out of retirement to serve our 35th District towns of: Ashford, Chaplin, Coventry, Eastford, Ellington, Hampton, Stafford, Thompson, Tolland, Union, Vernon, Willington & Woodstock because just like tens of thousands of others I am sick and tired of our towns being poorly serviced by the current senator. We need better - we deserve better! Also, the number of complaints regarding my opponent's lack of service via a simple call back, meeting with residents at THEIR requests and are just wrong and inconsiderate. I believe in total dedication and service at a high standard. I've been civically involved for decades I worked across the aisle with the Governor's Prevention Partnership former. Gov. Jodi Rell (Republican) to the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Tolland Together Hartford Foundation for Giving, Tolland Democratic Committee, Hicks Stearns Museum, US Marine Corps Toys for Tots, Public Access TV and many others.