- Times Leader
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HARVEYS LAKE – Borough council Tuesday night scrapped plans to build a new police station on Little League Road when the motion to open bids for the project was made but did not carry.
Councilwoman Michell’e Boice then made a motion to “put this issue to rest once and for all,” by putting the money and focus on making the necessary upgrades to the existing location.
Construction of the new station has been a hot issue for the borough since March.
Resident Ruth Morris was in favor of using the money to renovate the existing station. “That’s how it should be,” Morris said.
All council members except Vice President Francis Kopko voted for Boice’s motion. President Larry Radel was not present for the vote.
The vote will require the borough to resubmit the grant in order to update the existing station on state Route 415.
The council was updated on the progress of the water quality improvements. The grant received in fiscal year 2008 for that project expires at the end of September. The project came in under budget, and the remainder of the engineering for the second phase was completed under the first grant. Outlook for the completion of all three water quality projects is two years.
The ultimate goal for these projects is not only to improve the water supply for residents, but also to fix any existing problems, so the borough can apply for grants to dredge the lake.
No citizens chose to address the council. No old business was brought up for discussion.
In other business:
• Council stressed to the public to pick up their 911 signs at the municipal building. The price is set at $15 for a one to two digit address and $20 for a three to four digit address. The purpose of the signs is to help the emergency responders to locate the residence.
• Councilwoman Amy Williams announced the borough will be collecting delinquent garbage accounts that are over 365 days past due.
• Mayor Clarence Hogan announced a Halloween party on Oct. 7, from 2 until 5 p.m.
• Council approved a resolution allowing Berkheimer Associates to help the borough obtain delinquent local taxes. Boice moved to appoint the borough secretary as the liaison to Berkheimer. The motion carried unanimously.
After the meeting, residents expressed concerns about streetlights being shut off to save the borough money. The residents were concerned this would lead to an increased number of break-ins.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Oct. 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the municipal building.