
100 years ago: Corn Belt Motor Club launches publication

J.Lee1 hr ago

How Time Flies is a daily feature looking back at Pantagraph archives to revisit what was happening in our community and region.

Oct. 6, 1924: The Corn Belt Motorist, which is the official publication of the Corn Belt Motor Club of Bloomington, made its initial appearance yesterday, this adding another feature to the motor club and bringing it in line with other clubs about the state which are issuing such publications.

Oct. 6, 1949: A house built without wood: That's the Lustron house being erected for the L.B. Jacksons at 704 Mercer Ave. It's the first one of its type in Bloomington. It will be a five-room structure with a breezeway and two-car garage.

Oct. 6, 1974: The junior college vote Saturday was a little closer that people thought it would be, but it still turned out the way they expected: Negative. In the nine McLean County school districts where separate votes on whether or not to stay in a community college district took place, voters flatly turned the proposition down.

Oct. 6, 1999: Despite objections lodged by state Sen. John Maitland and other officials, the Illinois Board of Higher Education unanimously approved a proposal to add a small, four-year undergraduate program at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Though supporters say it will only mean an initial addition of 75 new students to the institution, opponents have kept the proposal bottled up for more than two years fearful that the program will give UIS a foothold to one day expand into a full-fledged four-year university. "It's a dumb thing to do," said Maitland, R-Bloomington. "You can have the same program without making the change."

A girl's best friend: 24 vintage Pantagraph ads for diamonds

Elbe - Nov. 13, 1883

Miller-Ulbrucg Jewelry Co. - Dec. 11, 1914

Yocum Jeweler - April 14, 1917

L.F. Chadband - Nov. 8, 1918

Will H. Homuth Jewelry Co. - Oct. 8, 1923

Will H. Homuth - Feb. 29, 1924

Burklund's - Aug. 6, 1924

Shield's - Nov. 20, 1942

Chadband's - Nov. 6, 1945

Chas L. Miller - Nov. 28, 1948

Chadband's - Dec. 11, 1953

Sorg's - Dec. 11, 1953

Shield's - Dec. 18, 1966

Longines - Dec. 7, 1969

Lowell Jewelry - Dec. 9, 1973

Bergner's - Dec. 22, 1973

Bergner's - Feb. 6, 1975

JC Penney - Jan. 14, 1979

J.C. Penney - March 30, 1980

Armstrong's - Dec. 4, 1981

Diamonds - Nov. 9, 1982

Shield Jewelers - March 16, 1986

Jack Lewis - Oct. 5, 1994

Jack Lewis - Nov. 6, 1997

With a weekly newsletter looking back at local history.

Central Illinois Executive Editor