
A big grant helps a Tallahassee bookseller launch 2 public literacy projects

J.Green39 min ago

Fueled by a large grant, a Tallahassee book shop is launching two projects to spur more reading by young and old in the area. One effort will focus on kids in Title One schools; the other will turn the entire town into a gigantic book club.

Midtown Reader owner Sally Bradshaw said a special partnership involving an anonymous donor and the Community Foundation of North Florida led to the "Let's Read" project. One part will be hosting book fairs in Leon County Title One schools in the coming year. She said the schools will help with the book selection.

"Books that they feel are appropriate for their students, and we'll provide those books free of charge in a book fair setting."

Each child will choose a free book to take home with them. The second initiative seeks to have as many folks as possible read and discuss the same book at the same time. What book will it be?

"We're going to get a lot of help and are also welcoming comments from the public on what book we should choose. I'm very excited to find out!"