
Andrew Sosnowski: Kanę County State's Attorney Candidate Profile

N.Hernandez29 min ago
Andrew Sosnowski: Kanę County State's Attorney Candidate Profile Andrew Sosnowski​ is running for Kane County State's Attorney in the upcoming election.

KANE COUNTY, IL — Election Day is fast-approaching, and early voting is underway in Kane County. is posting candidate profiles for local and statewide races in the coming weeks. Here is the profile for Andrew Sosnowski, candidate for Kane County State's Attorney.

Your Name: Andrew Sosnowski

Town of Residence: Elgin

Position Sought: Kane County State's Attorney

Party Affiliation: Republican

Family: Father of two children and grandfather.

Education: BA, Loyola University, Chicago, MSBA University of Notre Dame, JD Drake University

Occupation: 35 years Attorney at Law

Previous or current elected or appointed office: None

Campaign website:

The single most pressing issue facing our county is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it? Growing Crime; Demand a moratorium on the SAFE-T Act, work with community mental health organization to root out issues related to homelessness, drug and alcohol use and mental illness. Establish a human exploitation and trafficking organization to mitigate against growing exploitation of documented and undocumented people in our community.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

My opponent gave probation to a privilege man from Campton Hills who beat his mother to death; that will not happen on my watch; my opponent takes money from exotic dance clubs to fund her campaign - I will not, my opponent has given the elected Sheriff 10,000 for his reelection campaign thus affecting true independence. It is important to work with our law enforcement, but independence is what people deserve. My opponent has over doubled her budget in 3 years while the county is in a budget crisis and our population is decreasing, and the community is not any safer; rather it is less safe. In April of 2024 outside sources have reported that crime is up in Kane County, specifically child exploitation and vehicle theft.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community (or district or constituency)?

My opponent has used the office to target political opponents (duly elected Campton Hills Trustee) even her former campaign manager, Jeff Ward ( pointed out my opponent's "political witch hunting". My opponent is involved in investigations regadring the Sheriff's Department and has given the Sheriff 10,000 for his campaign. This will compromise the integrity of the investigations, and the citizens deserve better. There are many questionable plea bargains that my opponent has been involved in, one of which I mentioned above about the beating of a woman in Campton Hills.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform:

Root out the cause of crime, collaborate with law enforcement, keep politics out of the office, equal justice for ALL PEOPLE, advocate for victims of crime.

If you gain this position, what accomplishment would define your term in office as a success?

I was the founder of the Kane County Child Advocacy Center in the mid1990s. It is that spirit that I will bring to the office. In my 35 years as an attorney, I have worked with numerous organization that deal with crime, mental illness, and bigotry. I will draw these people together and use a community prosecution model to lift up our communities, punish offenders and enhance community safety.

Why are you running for office?

At 64years old, I want to give back to my community and keep it safe. I am not looking for a job and I am not looking to "keep my job". I am willing to take a major pay cut to serve our citizens. I do not like what I am seeing happening in our communities with laws foisted upon by Springfield that do not represent our communities.

Explain your attitudes toward fiscal policy, government spending and how taxpayer dollars should be handled by your office?

It is always about cost vs benefit. I am hugely in favor of doing a deep dive into many of the programs that my opponent has started. My opponent will say they work because no politician wants to say otherwise. When a budget has more than doubled, people deserve to know whether programing is truly working or feeding the political machine.

What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I am truly independent and will not be controlled by any party or politician.

Do you think Illinois's SAFE-T act/no cash bail has been effective?

There is not enough real data to determine its effectiveness. However, Illinois is the only state in the United States that has such a law, and I do not like our citizens being test subjects as to whether something works or not when we see crime rising in our neighborhoods.

Do you think state taxpayer money should be provided to ease the migrant crisis?

As the State's Attorney, I will use all taxpayer resources allotted to my office, to keep EVERYONE SAFE and to prosecute all people who commit crimes. I think the taxpayers should have the right to answer this question.

Should municipalities adopt restrictions on unscheduled bus drop-offs?

Yes, because when you have unscheduled drop-offs you are exposing people to exploitation. We need to work with law enforcement to make sure anyone dropped off is safe. I will personally work with law enforcement to make sure any people entering our county get to the nearest safety zone which is in Chicago.