
Bulletin Board

A.Lee3 months ago

Lady Patriots Basketball Boosters, 7 p.m. May 9 at the high school. For more information, call Margaret at 654-1146.

Nanticoke 12th Man Football Club, 7 p.m., today at Larry’s Pizza. Help is needed for the upcoming season. For more information, call Ann Marie at 258-1084.

Nanticoke Little League, 8 p.m., today at Lacey’s, 444 E. Main St., Nanticoke.

Greater Pittston Junior Legion, tryouts, 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at the Atlas Baseball Field. Players ages 13-15 residing in Pittston, Pittston Twp., West Pittston, Harding, Falls, Exeter Twp., Exeter, Wyoming and West Wyoming are eligible. Please bring a copy of your birth certificate with you to the tryout. The cost is $100.

Crestwood Comets Football Boosters Golf Tournament, May 12 at Edgewood in the Pines Golf Course. Captain and crew format with a 1 p.m. shotgun start. The cost is $80 per golfer and includes greens fees, dinner, prizes and refreshments. Hole sponsorships are also available at $100. Please send checks to Crestwood Football Booster Club, P.O. Box 162, Mountaintop, PA 18707. For more information or to make reservations, call Pat at 262-0331.

Daniel J. Distastio Memorial Golf Tournament, June 2 at the Blue Ridge Trail Golf Course. The cost is $90 per golfer and includes greens fees, refreshments, dinner and prizes. Hole sponsorships are also available at $100 for gold, $75 for silver and $50 for bronze sponsorship. Please make checks payable to Daniel J. Distasio Memorial Fund, c/o Ray Distasio, 575 Pierce St., Suite 400, Kingston, PA 18704. For more information or reservations, call Ray at 288-6464 or Dan Jr. at 906-5964.

West Side Tech Charity Basketball Game, 7:30 p.m., May 16 at the school’s gymnasium. The cost is $2 for admission. Proceeds benefit the medical expenses of Jarod Bonham.