
Bulletin Board

N.Thompson3 months ago

MMI Athletic Association, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the conference room at the school.

Nanticoke Little League, 7 p.m., Monday at Lacey’s.

Plains Parks and Recreation Board, 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Hilldale Park Clubhouse, Plains Township.

Plains Soccer Association, 8 p.m. today at the Plains American Legion. Tickets for the annual banquet will be sold between 6-8 p.m.

Plains Yankees Football/Cheerleading, 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Plains Legion.

Wyoming Valley West Boys Basketball Boosters, 7 p.m., Tuesday at Theo’s Place, 596 Mercer Ave., Kingston.

Wyoming Valley West Wrestling Boosters, 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Kingston American Legion.

Wyoming/West Wyoming Little League Board, 6:30 p.m. today in the West Wyoming Borough Hall.

Back Mountain Strikers U10 Girls Soccer is accepting players for the upcoming indoor season at the Wyoming Valley Sports Dome. The team plays in the Back Mountain Travel League and local tournaments. Current U10 players born between Aug. 1, 1997 and July 31, 1998 are eligible. For information, call Mark at 466-0262 or Steve at 606-4700.

Hanover Area Youth Basketball, registrations, 6-7 p.m. Monday at the Hanover Memorial Elementary. Children in grades 3-6 are eligible. The cost is $35 per child, $55 per family.

Indoor Soccer/Basketball/Volleyball, 7-10 p.m., Monday-Thursday at the Greater Pittston YMCA. Leagues and open-play are available. The cost will be $20 a player for leagues and $150 for teams. For more information, call Jeff at 655-2255 or e-mail [email protected] .

Kingston Baseball and Softball is seeking commissioners for its tee ball and girls softball programs. A background check will be required. Interested candidates should call George at 371-6597 or Bill at 287-8126.

Nanticoke Elementary Wrestling, registrations 7-9:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at Green Street’s Restaurant. Cost is $25 per wrestler or $40 per family. For information, call 735-2376 or 735-1434 or e-mail gn [email protected] or visit eteamz.active.com/gnawrestling.

Youth Basketball/Youth Indoor Soccer, beginning Dec. 1 at the Greater Pittston YMCA. Co-ed, boys only and girls only leagues are available. Children in grades 1-6 are eligible for basketball while children ages 6-12 are eligible for soccer. For more information, call Jeff at 655-2255 or e-mail [email protected] .

Back Mountain Basketball Shootout Competit
ion, Nov. 24 at the Rock Rec Center for boys and girls ages 7-14. Regiatration and warm-up begin at 9 a.m. For more information, call 696-3809.

Thanksgiving Triple Threat Basketball Tournament, Nov. 21 and Nov. 23-25 at the Pittston YMCA. Boys in grades 4-7 and girls in grades 5-7 are eligible. The tournament is double elimination, the cost is $150. For more information, go to www.firmacbasketball.com.