
Car seat safety check event at Williams Chevrolet Traverse City on Saturday

N.Thompson5 hr ago
TRAVERSE CITY — Saturday is National Car Seat Check Day, and Safe Kids North Shore (the local chapter of Safe Kids Worldwide) is hosting an event at Williams Chevrolet in Traverse City.

The organization, led by Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department, invites parents and caregivers to come and make sure their kiddo's car seats are installed properly. Munson Medical Center, the Grand Traverse County Sheriff's Office and other groups will also be participating.

There will be goodie bags for kids and food for all. Grand Traverse Metro Fire said the goal of the event is to educate parents and caregivers on child safety – and of course to make sure car seats are safe.

"We know that by using a properly installed car seat and properly fitting the child to the car seat, that can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%," said Jennifer Froehlich, safety educator for Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department.