
Concern lingers over My Safe Florida Home Program not meeting demand

M.Kim11 hr ago

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida is spending big money on a program that promises to bring down property insurance premiums.

Some saw the benefits, but others say they were stuck on a waiting list.

The state allocated $200 million for this year's program, but there's still concern there won't be enough dollars to meet the demand.

"We received a check," Kami Miller said. "It took about 9 months for the whole process. It was a fabulous way for Floridians to recover from the hurricane, but improve the strength against the next one."

Starting Monday, homeowners can apply for the 'My Safe Florida Home' program.

It offers free home inspections and up to $10,000 for home improvements and upgrades.

"It probably lowered our insurance a few hundred dollars because of some of the hardening that was done," Craig Lipaj said.

However, critics of the program didn't see any discounts to their premium.

"I'm disappointed that the program didn't work for me," Glenn McKeil said. "I got no promised much needed insurance relief. "

Last year, the program ran out of money.

However, this year the state has allocated $200 million to meet the need.

"There's not going to be enough money for every Floridian," said Lisa Miller, an insurance consultant with Lisa Miller and Associates. "$200 million dollars will go quickly. That's about 20,000 at $10,000 – a maximum of $10,000. Apply early and try to get in the program."

According to the My Safe Florida Home website:

New Program Changes Effective July 1, 2024

Beginning July 1, 2024, the MSFH program will re-open our portal for homeowners. New funding for the program will be tied to new prioritization requirements as enacted by the Legislature. Applications will be accepted and prioritized in 15-day increments.

Grant Group 1 – Low-income homeowners age 60+ – July 1 – July 15th

Grant Group 2 – Low-income homeowners of any age – July 16th – 30th

Grant Group 3 – Moderate-income homeowners age 60+ – July 31st – August 14th

Grant Group 4 – Moderate-income homeowners of any age – August 15th – 30th

Grant Group 5 – All other eligible Florida homeowners – August 31st

Once all funds are awarded, the portal will close and will not accept any additional applications until additional funding is provided.