
Congressional District 01: Melanie Stansbury Candidate Q&A

J.Smith42 min ago

Sep. 27—Congressional District 01: Melanie Stansbury

Political Party: Democrat

Age: 45

Education: Ph.D. Candidate and Masters in Development Sociology from Cornell University; Bachelor's in Human Ecology and Natural Science from Saint Mary's College; Albuquerque Public Schools K-12, graduated from Cibola High School

Occupation: U.S. House Representative for NM-01

City of Residence: Albuquerque

Campaign Website

Relevant Experience

Currently the U.S. Representative for NM-01, focused on the economy and jobs, public safety, homelessness, hunger, education, economic opportunity, drought, climate, and reproductive rights. Previously served in the New Mexico Legislature, as a science educator and researcher, and as a staffer in the U.S. Senate and White House OMB.

Should the federal government pass any new regulations on abortion or new protections for abortion access?

Yes, we must codify Roe vs Wade and protect reproductive rights. Making decisions about your own body is a fundamental right. Congress must pass the Women's Health Protection Act, protect reproductive care, and contraception. As a leader of the Democratic Women's Caucus, I will always fight for women's rights.

Do you support or oppose protecting access to in vitro fertilization?

I strongly support protecting access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and reproductive care for all Americans. The decision of when, how, and if a person decides to have a family is a deeply personal decision that must remain between that person, their family, and healthcare providers — not the government.

How can the federal government improve its response to wildfires and wildfire recovery?

We need more funding for firefighters, recovery, and forest management—while modernizing fire data and detection. We must invest in more resilient forest management and help our communities prepare, recover, and rebuild as we are in Ruidoso and Mescalero. We are investing millions to support these communities as they do.

What is your position regarding climate change? What actions should Congress take, if any, regarding the environment?

Climate change is real. We must invest in a clean energy future and prepare our communities. I proudly voted for the IRA—the most significant climate bill in American history—to ensure our communities are economically and environmentally sustainable, while providing good-paying jobs, lower energy costs, and increased domestic manufacturing.

Do you believe the borders are secure enough? If not, what do you propose to increase security? Do you support or oppose building a wall at the southern border?

We need comprehensive, bipartisan immigration reform and border security—which keeps our communities safe, provides a clear pathway to citizenship, protects DREAMers, and reforms asylum. Our policies must respect human dignity while cracking down on human and drug trafficking. This means bipartisan efforts to secure resources, technology and meaningful reforms.

What is the most pressing issue facing New Mexico?

Every New Mexican deserves to feel safe and to have the opportunity to thrive. This means investing in public safety, behavioral heath, and housing and rebuilding our economy and jobs. In Congress I've secured millions for veterans and families experiencing homelessness, public safety, economic development, and our youth.

How could the federal government help New Mexicans with the rising cost of living?

New Mexicans are struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. That's why we passed the Infrastructure Law, CHIPS, Act, and IRA — to lower healthcare, energy and other costs, invest in broadband and infrastructure, help struggling families, and create new jobs and opportunities.

Federal spending plays an important role in New Mexico's economy. What should be done to increase other economic drivers here?

The legislation we passed over the last several years is investing millions in New Mexico's economy, in broadband, roads, and water infrastructure, economic opportunities in science and tech, our National Labs, and clean energy and manufacturing. I have also secured millions for NM-01 for housing, public safety, and economic development.

The House of Representatives has struggled to pass a federal budget in recent years, and the partisan divide continues to intensify. What would be your approach to working with members of the other party?

Bipartisanship is essential for New Mexico. I work across the aisle every day on economic, veterans, water and other issues. Unfortunately, current GOP leadership has taken the budget to the brink over culture wars and partisan politics. We need leadership that works across the aisle to tackle our biggest challenges.

What should be done at the federal level to address the crisis of opioid addiction?

Addressing this crisis is personal, having lost a loved one. As member of the Fentanyl Caucus, I am carrying legislation and working with law enforcement and local agencies to combat drug trafficking, support addiction recovery, and secure millions for fentanyl detection technology and behavioral health services.

Do you support new ethics rules for the Supreme Court? Do you support or oppose expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court?

In Congress, I'm leading the fight for new Supreme Court ethics rules. My Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act would create an Office of the Inspector General to protect from special interests and ensure integrity. I am also co-sponsor of numerous Supreme Court reform bills to combat corruption in the Court.

Should the United States continue to offer military aid to Ukraine?

Yes. Ensuring aid to Ukraine and supporting multinational efforts to end the conflict, are essential to securing global democracy, supporting our allies, and curbing aggression by our adversaries.

What role should the United States play in the Israel-Hamas war? Do you support a ceasefire, and if so, how should the U.S. government move toward that goal?

I support a ceasefire and am a strong advocate for peace and stability in the region. I believe the U.S. should continue leading global efforts to safeguard lives and restore peace.

Why do you want to serve in Congress?

I am running to continue serving New Mexico in Congress because as a New Mexican that has spent my life working on land, water, and community issues—I am committed to ensuring our voices are heard, that we tackle our biggest challenges, and build a more just and sustainable future.

Anything else you would like to add?

We must continue to focus on the vital issues affecting the safety and well-being of our communities—the fentanyl and behavioral health crisis, housing, economic opportunity, education and youth. And, ensure that we protect and lift up the cultures, languages and landscapes that make us who we are