
Gardaí appeal for trio involved in ‘shocking’ and ‘violent’ altercation at Limerick pub

B.James28 min ago
The incident occurred late on Sunday, July 2, 2023, at around 10:45pm, leaving one person with multiple injuries, and investigators are keen to speak to anyone who may have information.

During Monday night's episode of Crime Call on RTÉ One, a Garda spokesperson provided details of the altercation, which involved two women and one man. The trio were captured on CCTV footage, which is now central to the investigation.

According to Gardaí, the incident began with an argument at the bar, which they did not identify, during which the man was seen striking the victim. The situation escalated when a dark-haired woman also hit the victim.

The man can then be seen using a chair to assault the victim, who was already injured. A blonde woman subsequently joined in the attack, striking the victim while they lay on the floor.

The victim sustained soft tissue injuries to the left side of their face, including around the eye, as well as bruising to their chest and arms.

Gardaí are seeking to identify the three individuals involved. The man, believed to be in his early 20s, is described as approximately 5'8" tall with a slim build. The blonde woman is around 5'7" with a heavier build, while the dark-haired woman, also in her 20s, has a slight build and is approximately 5'5" tall.

"We are also keen to speak to anyone who was in the pub that evening," said a garda spokesperson. "Even if they spoke to Gardaí at the time, any additional information could assist with our ongoing inquiries."

Speaking about antisocial behaviour in Abbeyfeale in general, Councillor Liam Galvin expressed alarm over the growing trend of violence. "[That incident] was shocking, but that just shows the lack of respect that's out there now."

"We have a Joint Policing Committee meeting next week, and antisocial behaviour, in not alone Abbeyfeale but Newcastle West too, is on the agenda."

Cllr Galvin stated that local residents in these areas have reported similar issues, with young people roaming the streets unchecked. He has been vocal on this issue, adding: "If we ignore this, we're just waiting for a more serious incident, maybe even a fatality, in one of our towns or villages."

The Fine Gael councillor also called for increased Garda presence in Limerick's county town and villages: "The most distressing part for me is that our county town, Newcastle West, still hasn't got a fully operational Garda station. We need action on the ground, we need garda presence on the street, patrolling."

Anyone with information is urged to contact a member of An Garda Síochána at their local garda station or the garda confidential number on (1800) 666 111,