
Geneva UMC greets new minister

S.Ramirez38 min ago

Sep. 28—GENEVA — Geneva United Methodist Church will be the beneficiary of a lifetime of experience in education and ministry as Pam Buzalka settles in to her role as pastor of the church.

Buzalka took over on July 1, after 20 years of ministry throughout northeastern Ohio, and a career as a teacher in a Catholic school. She said she taught English at Beaumont School in Cleveland Heights and was involved in helping students for many years.

"I had always been interested in ministry," she said.

Buzalka said she had a unique experience when an Epsicopalian female pastor was speaking and she felt like becoming a pastor might be her next step in life.

"I just felt pushed [towards ministry]," Buzalka said. She describes herself as open and ecumenical.

Buzalka said the United Methodist Church seemed the best place for her to apply her ministry gifts. She said the church's emphasis of unity amidst diversity was attractive to her.

Buzalka attended seminary from 2003 to 2006 and moved on to a call in Caledonia, where she worked in a rural setting after living most of her life in an urban setting.

"I fell in love with them and they fell in love with me," she said of her year-long work at the church, before moving on to numerous settings in the Cleveland area, Akron and Boardman.

She said she was pastor of a church in Brooklyn for six years. "We really engaged with the community," she said.

Buzalka said her style of ministry includes working with other individuals, churches and organizations. "I love to create partnerships to benefit everyone," she said.

Getting to know the community is the first goal for Buzalka, as she gets acquainted with the area's attractions including Lake Erie and the wineries.