
Glancing Back for Aug. 27: Neoga forger is captured

E.Wilson3 days ago

Aug 27, 1924

NEOGA — A strange young man, twenty-two years of age, giving the name of Harry Mulvaney and his home as Michigan arrived in Neoga on Monday afternoon and tarried long enough to forge five checks, each for $10, using the name of Ray King, a young farmer living four miles northeast of Neoga. The checks were cashed by local businessmen, each of whom was told that the fellow presenting the checks had been employed by King. McGinnis had, only an hour before, received a check from King himself, and on comparing the signatures, it was ascertained that the checks were forged. Upon consulting King, he said he knew nothing of a fellow answering the description of Mulvaney. By this time Mulvaney had hired a taxi to take him to Mattoon. He was overtaken near Paradise Lake by Night Watchman Kimery and O.M. Votaw. All the money was found on his person, with the exception of $3. Mulvaney, who remained silent under questioning, was taken before Magistrate Gurney Lindley, where he waived a preliminary hearing and he was bound over to the circuit court grand jury. Not being able to furnish bond, he was committed to the county jail at Toledo.

MATTOON — U.S. Senate candidate George Burditt claimed Monday his campaign has picked up steam since Watergate faded as a political issue. "We can zero in on the problems that face our country and our state, and not on an irrelevant issue," the LaGrange Republican said during a news conference here. Burditt was in Mattoon at the Holiday Inn for a dinner hosted by campaign volunteers from 24 countries. The former state representative charged that his opponent, incumbent Sen. Adlai Stevenson III, D-Chicago, was "completely out of step with the voters."... CHARLESTON — A Charleston man drew a 14-month to 4-year prison term in Coles County Circuit Court Monday for the burglary of four Charleston district schools. Harry Howard, 22, Charleston, was sentenced for the school burglaries and the break-ins at the New Home Kickapoo Church and the Rollins Leasing Company of Charleston. William Chotan, 30, also of Charleston, was given four years probation for the school and church burglaries.

GREENUP — A 16-year-old Westfield girl took first place in the senior division of the Cumberland County Fair talent contest Thursday. Amanda Zachary sang "Orange Colored Sky" to take the first-place $75 cash prize and the chance to compete in the state contest in January. Zachary is the daughter of Raymond and Lora Davis of Westfield...CHARLESTON — A local group began making plans Thursday for the Sept. 25 purchasing ceremony at the Five Mile House. The Save the Five Mile House Committee's purchasing ceremony will be held at 10 a.m., followed by a barbecue meal as well as a pastry and crafts auction. Preliminary plans indicate the ceremony will start with a flag presentation, the singing of the national anthem and a prayer. Guests may include the current owner of the Five Mile House property, the committee's attorneys, state legislators, a representative of the Rennels family of Hutton Township and local mayors...DECATUR — There is a wondrous but fragile process at work on the northeast shore of Lake Decatur. There, a five-acre nursery pond has been built in an effort to bring more sport fish to the adjoining lake. On June 24, members of the Decatur Anglers Association and Illinois Department of Natural Resources stocked the pond and held their breath. They carefully placed 37,500 one-inch large mouth bass fingerlings into the nursery pond, hoping to feed them and grow them throughout the summer releasing them as five-to-six inchers early this fall. Of course, that was the plan one year ago, too. But a still unexplained combination of circumstances caused a brief but dramatic oxygen deficit in the pond, killing all but a few hundred of the bass before they could be transferred into Lake Decatur.

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