
Grove's bill for troubled teens signed into law by Newsom

A.Hernandez36 min ago

A bill authored by Sen. Shannon Grove and championed by celebrity Paris Hilton was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom Friday.

The Accountability in Children's Treatment Act, or SB 1043, calls for state residential youth centers licensed by the California Department of Social Services to disclose disciplinary methods such as restraints and seclusionary holds on teens admittedly dealing with drug abuse or mental health issues on a public dashboard.

These dashboards will be online by January 2026 and are to be updated quarterly, according to the bill. The dashboards will disclose the number of times restraints or seclusion rooms are used, how long they were used for and whether anyone sustained any injuries or died during that time.

The residential youth centers would also have to notify parents and the state any time they use these practices on minors and disclose who approved it.

A news release issued by Grove's office Friday said this bill marks a crucial step toward ensuring the welfare of vulnerable youth of California.

"Through SB 1043, we are strengthening accountability measures within California's STRTPs by requiring the public posting of critical information, including the use of restraints and seclusion rooms," Grove said in a statement. "This legislation underscores California's commitment to transparency and safeguarding the well-being of our at-risk children."

Hilton supported Grove on the bill, speaking about the mental and sexual abuse she suffered when she as 17 years old during her time at Provo Canyon School, a former boarding school and psychiatric treatment center in Utah.

"I am beyond appreciative of Governor Newsom for signing The Accountability in Children's Treatment Act today. This is such a big step forward for protecting youth in California's youth treatment facilities. I also want to thank Senator Shannon Grove for championing this bill and fighting to protect California children!" Hilton said in Grove's news release.

Newsom said he is proud of Hilton for using her voice to ensure no other child suffers the way she did.

"Children and teens — especially those in the care of the foster system — should never be subjected to improper use of restraints, or isolation while they are meant to be receiving treatment. I am proud to sign legislation today to help protect our youth against such harmful tactics," Newsom said in a statement.