
Gusts Up To 55MPH In Mission Viejo: Wind Advisory

S.Brown29 min ago

A wind advisory was issued for Orange County by the National Weather Service Tuesday afternoon in anticipation winds ranging from 20 to 30 miles per hour and gusts up to 55 miles per hour. The wind advisory will be in effect from Friday morning to Saturday morning.

Residents were advised by the National Weather Service to use extra caution when driving, especially if operating a high profile vehicle, and to bring in outdoor objects that may get blown down or away due to winds.

"Northeast winds will strengthen Wednesday evening, peak late Thursday morning then weaken Thursday night," the NWS advisory said. "Wind will be strongest in and below mountain passes, and in the adjacent foothills."

The advisory impacts Orange County inland areas, San Bernardino County Mountains, San Bernardino and Riverside County Valleys, the Inland Empire, and Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills.