
Job killers: Mistakes to avoid to stay employed

J.Lee52 min ago
Orlando, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - You're fired! They are the two words most people fear. In fact, a recent poll found 58% of employees were afraid of getting fired, and 54% admitted it scares them more than death.

So which mistakes will land you looking for a new job?

With deadlines, heavy workloads, and multi-tasking, mistakes are bound to happen at work.

The top reason for losing your job include being intoxicated at work, followed by acting unprofessionally, not working well as a team, and not learning from mistakes.

In fact, experts say some of the worst mistakes made on the job are behavioral. According to Indeed, these errors can change how people view a coworker or even make them lose respect for that person. Examples include backstabbing a colleague gossiping or yelling at someone.

So, what should you do?

When it comes to your co-workers, avoid things that could burn bridges, such as always running late, missing deadlines, lying, or taking credit for someone else's work.

When dealing with your supervisors, always manage up, be sure to always keep managers in the loop if you're struggling with a project or co-worker, and align your priorities with your employers. Come to the table with solutions, maintain a positive attitude, and work hard.

Another tip, be accountable. It's easy to become defensive when people start questioning your work. Resist the urge to lash out or throw other people under the bus. If you make a mistake, take responsibility, fix it, and figure out how to avoid repeating it.