
Letter: Don't follow Graham's example

L.Thompson28 min ago

I remember when Lindsey Graham was best friends with John McCain, and I respected them. I also recall when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York during the 9/11 crisis, and I respected him.

Since then, both Graham and Giuliani have destroyed their legacies by carrying water for a morally degenerate, racist, misogynistic madman. So here comes Graham now, to Nebraska, to convince our Legislature at this late date in the election cycle that we need a winner-take-all system for our electoral college votes.

What an underhanded, corrupt, dirty trick to encourage the Legislature to pull. Mark my words, Graham, Giuliani, and to a degree Bill Barr and several others, will go down in history as having sacrificed their decency and their positive legacies for an incompetent fraud. I hope our Legislature doesn't join them in their chicanery.

Kathleen Hegler, Lincoln