
Letter to the editor: Insights from the Utah Conservative Climate Summit

J.Smith27 min ago
A key takeaway from the recent Conservative Climate Summit in Utah is this: How do we ensure a legacy of responsible stewardship for our next generations and our planet, while keeping energy plentiful, reliable and affordable in the meantime?

I like Rep. Curtis' suggestion of streamlining the permitting process so that responsible energy projects can come online more quickly. Another promising idea is the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. It relies on free markets to reward those, both here and abroad, who find ways to supply energy and make products with the least carbon emissions. It doesn't force us to give up fossil fuels without a reliable alternative, and includes mechanisms to ensure that energy stays affordable.

I'm sure there are other pathways to arrive at an energy future with plentiful water and manageable heat, and where we aren't overtaken by extreme wildfires and the polluting smoke. It's encouraging that Reps. Curtis, Maloy and Moore are actively engaging on this issue.

My request to them: Test your ideas. Simple software exists for evaluating the impacts of different policies. If you have your own ideas that ensure future generations will thrive, pass that legislation. If your ideas fall short, either adjust them or support the Energy Innovation Act!