
Mounted officers made husband's 80th birthday party special -- Betty Bush

K.Thompson9 hr ago

Our family and a few friends were celebrating my husband Bob's 80th birthday last Sunday afternoon in our backyard in the Greentree neighborhood on Madison's Far West Wide.

That's when we saw two police officers on horseback on the next street. We hurried to the front yard to flag them down as they came to the corner of our little street. We asked if they would consider coming to our backyard to join us.

They said yes!

Officers Molly Thomson and Thomas Coyne with horses Torres and Thor spent almost an hour with us, talking with adults and children alike, answering questions and allowing those who asked to pet these magnificent animals.

It was an experience none of us will ever forget. What a great way to be ambassadors for our police department. We all appreciate their taking time to help celebrate this special birthday.

Betty Bush, Madison