
News for Veterans

V.Davis3 months ago

First Posted:

DUPONT: The VFW Post 4909 will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 5 at the post home. Commander Gary Carwardine will preside. The Home Association meeting will follow. Food and refreshments will be served after both meetings.

MOUNTAIN TOP: All members of American Legion Mountain Post 781 marching in the Veterans Day Parade in Kingston on Nov. 11 will meet at noon at the post home. All veterans, auxiliary, sons and riders are encouraged to participate. For information call 678-7105.

MOUNTAIN TOP: The Mountain Top American Legion Post 781 will hold nominations of officers to the board of directors at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 12. All members are urged to attend.

The annual turkey shoot will take place on Nov. 18 at the post home. Events start at noon and are open to all members and the public is invited to attend. For more information call 678-7105.

NANTICOKE: The Nanticoke Ladies Auxiliary Unit 350 will meet at 7 p.m. on Nov. 6 at the Nanticoke American Legion Post 350. Loretta Chmura will preside. All members are invited.

Topics to be discussed include the Christmas party to be held on Dec. 7 at the post home. To make a reservation, call Loretta Chmura at 735-1431. Plans will also be made for the Breakfast with Santa to be held at the post home on Dec. 15.

SCRANTON: Steamtown National Historic Site is honoring military veterans and their families by waiving the park’s daily entrance fee for everyone during Veteran’s Day weekend, Nov. 10-12. The weekend events include complimentary admission to the park grounds, museum complex and exhibits and scheduled walking tours. Train rides and other amenity fees charged by the park are not included.

All active duty military members and their dependents are also able to obtain the $80 annual pass, at no charge, during their visit to Steamtown. The America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass provides entrance to all national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, and many other federal lands. Information about the free military and all national park passes is available at www.nps.gov/findapark/passes.htm .

WILKES-BARRE: The Luzerne County Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Committee invites the public to attend a gathering to honor the deceased and missing in action from all wars at 1 p.m. on Nov. 10 on the south lawn of the Luzerne County Courthouse, near the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial.