
Police boss wanted to ‘comfort’ Pc Harper’s widow in hotel room

K.Smith27 min ago

The chairman of the Police Federation said he wanted to "comfort" the widow of a PC who was killed in the line of duty "in my hotel room", a misconduct panel heard.

PC John Apter is accused of making the "sickening" and "sexually suggestive" remark about Lissie Harper in 2020 after the death of her husband, PC Andrew Harper.

While organising a visit from Mrs Harper to collect a posthumous award on behalf of her husband, Pc Apter allegedly said to colleagues "I'd like to comfort her in my hotel room".

The then-chief of the Police Federation was also heard saying: "I wouldn't mind looking after her tonight," a gross misconduct hearing was told on Tuesday.

At the hearing, PC Apter was also accused of groping a much younger constable's bottom on a police night out and telling a pregnant colleague "maybe you'll get a bum now".

Now-retired PC Apter, who enjoyed a 30-year career in policing, was chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales from 2018 to 2021.

The association represents the interests of over 130,000 rank and file officers.

PC Apter appeared for his first day of a nine-day Hampshire Constabulary misconduct hearing at the force's HQ in Eastleigh. He denies three allegations of gross misconduct.

Barrister Cecily White, representing Hampshire Constabulary, said there was a "pattern" to PC Apter's behaviour, which she said was "sexist and derogatory".

"There are significant similarities between the allegations that different people have made from different perspectives which show an unfortunate attitude towards women in the workplace," Ms White said.

She added that his role as chairman of the federation "placed him in significant power and authority".

Detailing one allegation, Ms White said: "It was about the widow of PC Andrew Harper, who was killed in the line of duty.

"His widow, Lissie Harper, was due to attend an awards ceremony to accept a posthumous award on behalf of her husband.

"In the context of a discussion about her attending the event, which would have been quite stressful for her, he said 'I'd like to comfort her in my hotel room', with an obvious sexual connotation."

It was also heard that PC Apter was heard saying "I wouldn't mind looking after her tonight", about Mrs Harper.

PC Harper, a 28-year-old officer with Thames Valley Police, was killed in 2019 when a getaway car dragged him to his death. He had been with Mrs Harper for 12 years, since they were at school.

Three teenagers were jailed for his manslaughter.

At the misconduct hearing, Ms White also outlined the two other allegations that PC Apter faces. "[An allegation of] sexual touching, this was an allegation that PC Apter placed his hand on the bottom of a [constable].

"[An allegation of] saying to Charlotte Styles, internal communications manager at [Police Federation], 'maybe you'll get a bum now', which was said in connection to her impending pregnancy."

Ms White told the hearing PC Apter groped the bottom of a junior constable from another force – named only as Female A – on a police night out in December 2021 before the Police Bravery Awards in London.

The hearing was also told Jamie Simpson, an outgoing communications officer for the Police Federation, raised concerns about cultural issues within the federation.

He said there was "blatant hypocrisy amongst the principal officers", adding: "On one hand they preach to members about sexism and misogyny, yet some of the things I have overheard of the things I have overheard the same people say about women associated with the organisation, even the widow of an officer, is sickening."

In February 2023, the Crown Prosecution Service announced it would not pursue criminal charges against Mr Apter.

The hearing continues.