
Sandwich city website gets new look

S.Wright25 min ago
The City of Sandwich has redesigned its website in order to make it easier to navigate and to find information.

"This new website is intended to refresh the current design that had been in place for some time and provides a simplified design that allows for easier access to information and enables greater transparency," said Tony Eberle, director of Sandwich Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

Eberle noted that the new design is ADA compliant and works on both computers and mobile devices. The link to the website remains the same:

"One of the main goals with the redesign was to clean up outdated information and make current information such as council agendas, public notices, employment opportunities and the community calendar more current and accessible," he said.

Users will still be able to pay utility bills online. Eberle said the new website is updated on a regular basis.

"We welcome any feedback as we continue to refine the content and messaging available for residents," he said.