
Sheila Hogan: It's time to take a stand against misconduct in SOS office

D.Adams10 hr ago

Montana deserves leadership in the Secretary of State's Office that upholds integrity, respects local governance, and prioritizes the interests of its citizens.

Unfortunately, recent actions by Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen have shown a blatant disregard for these principles. Her inappropriate interference in Cascade County's election administrator hiring process is a clear example of the type of misconduct that we cannot afford to overlook.

In February, Secretary Jacobsen took it upon herself to email Cascade County Commissioners, urging them not to rehire Rina Fontana Moore or any member of her past team for the election administrator position. This move was not only unprecedented but also an egregious abuse of her office's power. Using her official state email and seal, Jacobsen attempted to influence a local hiring decision without providing any factual basis, undermining the voters of Cascade County and their trust in fair and impartial governance.

Commissioners Jim Larson and Joe Briggs expressed their shock and surprise at receiving such an email from a state official. Larson rightly pointed out that while Jacobsen has a First Amendment right to express her opinions, she should not misuse her official capacity to make personal political statements. This attempt to sway local decision-making is inappropriate and unethical, raising serious concerns about her judgment and respect for local autonomy.

As Montanans, we cherish the principle of local control. We believe in the capability of our county officials to make decisions that best serve their communities without undue influence from state officials. Jacobsen's actions represent a dangerous departure from this principle and highlight the need for a Secretary of State who respects the boundaries of their office and the autonomy of local governments.

This is not the first time Jacobsen has been involved in questionable actions. Her tenure has been marred by instances of political bias and a lack of transparency, eroding public trust in our electoral process. Montanans deserve better. We need a Secretary of State who is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and respect for local governance.

That is why I am proud to support Jesse James Mullen for Secretary of State. As a candidate, Jesse has demonstrated a deep commitment to ethical leadership and a clear understanding of the importance of impartiality. With a background rooted in public service and a track record of integrity, Jesse is the leader we need to restore trust and competence to the Office of the Secretary of State.

This November, let's choose a Secretary of State who will stand against misconduct and for the values we hold dear. Let's elect Jesse James Mullen and ensure that our state's leadership is marked by competence, integrity, and respect for all Montanans.

Sheila Hogan is executive director of the Montana Democratic Party. She grew up in Butte and now lives in Helena with her husband, Jim.