
Snow showing up on weather maps north of Michigan

J.Martin40 min ago
Whether you are craving winter or dreading winter, we know it's coming in a few months. The weather maps show winter is starting to take shape across Canada.

Now don't worry that snow is coming anytime soon. We still are in a warmer-than-normal weather pattern at least into early October. At the moment there is nothing that shows we should expect a weather pattern flip-flop to colder than normal here in Michigan.

It is fun to watch the weather maps to our north. The latest model run even shows a patch of snow next week in southern Canada. As we watch the precipitation forecast over the next two weeks, we see the blue of a snow forecast.

This snow in the northern half of Canada really isn't abnormal for this time of year, but it does show how winter is gathering to our north.

A closer look at southern Canada shows snow isn't that far away to our north. The map we are looking at below shows Manitoba and Saskatchewan and the northern fringes of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota. The blue patches showing up are spurts of snow just a few hundred miles north of Lake Superior.

Snow lovers- I know you want to see a snowfall forecast map, so here it is.

I bring this snow up just for fun. There are currently no signs of aggressively building cold air just to our north. There are also no signs of an immediate weather pattern flip-flop to something that looks like winter is on our doorstep.

We do know winter will happen. It always does. Winter is forming just to our north. Now it's just a waiting game. My thought is we are going to wait a while- at least well into November if not December.