
Sound Off: July 9, 2024

A.Smith18 days ago


I'm not an attorney, but I believe the administration in Ocean Springs discriminated against disabled citizens by not allowing any vehicular access to the beach to view the 3rd of July fireworks.

America first

I laughed when I read in Sound Off that Donald Trump puts the United States before himself. Feel free to write again into Sound Off with specific details on when and where this has ever happened.

More lies

A Sound Off writer stated that Donald Trump admitted in the debate that he would again try to steal the next election if he lost. Again, these Trump-haters continue to just to write in falsehoods time and time again.

I'm just incredulous when I see Sound Offs claiming Donald Trump will destroy Democracy. For years now, the Democrats in charge have not only lied to the public, but to their own people too. In the process, they have secretly allowed unelected others to run the country. If that's not destroying Democracy, nothing else is. Democrats should hang their heads in shame for being so easily fooled.

The solution

To those calling for President Biden to drop out of the race and Vice President Harris to step in, I say simply have Harris and Biden trade places. Biden remains in office, a valuable advisor and vote-getter, but Harris controls the No. 1 spot. Harris can't beat Trump by herself.

Be fair

If traditional guns continue to be regulated, then ghost guns should be regulated. If ghost guns aren't going to be regulated, then traditional guns should not be regulated.

University salaries

I see that the top administrators at Ole Miss and Mississippi State are closing in on $1 million annual salaries. Who do they think they are, football coaches?