
Sunday's letters: Robinson provides a vivid picture of the GOP's moral bankruptcy

D.Brown35 min ago

Morally bankrupt GOP

With the recent revelations (not entirely shocking) of the thoughtfully crafted online pornographic postings of Mark Robinson, Republican candidate for governor, we now have a vivid picture of the moral slop-bucket that is today's Republican Party.

From the very tippy-top of the Trump-Vance ticket all the way down the ballot to the sparkling candidate for superintendent of public instruction, Michele Morrow, who has posted her desire to see former President Obama and other Democrats assassinated on live TV (a posting that would get a freshman in any high school in the state expelled or suspended, but seems fine, as Republicans see it, for the head of our public school system) we can clearly see the moral and intellectual rot that has completely inundated the Republican Party.

If these morally bankrupt politicians are the kind of people who you think should be guiding our laws and public institutions, be sure to vote Republican this November. The choice could not be clearer.

Kent Boyles

How to fix elections

William Cooper's column on Sept. 19 asserted that the two-party system in the U.S. isn't working, and that we'd be better off with a robust multi-party system instead. This would only work if we had ranked-choice voting. In that system, voters would rank all the candidates from most favorite to least favorite instead of just voting for one. A candidate would need to garner at least 50% of the vote plus one to win. If no candidate receives that many votes, then the candidate with the least votes is dropped, and his or her votes go to their voter's second choice.

The votes would then be recounted. This process would repeat again until a candidate receives enough votes to win.

This would keep third parties from being spoilers while also giving them a chance to compete. We should not have a multiparty system without ranked-choice voting.

Larry Kirwan

Totally biased

Even readers disagreeing with the Republican Party and its candidates have to agree your newspaper is controlled by the liberal Democratic media.

The vast majority of actions by Kamala Harris and other Democratic candidates are positively reported. The vast majority of actions by Trump and other Republican candidates are negatively reported.

The majority of "opinions" from your editorial staff are likewise.

Just this week the attempted assassination of Trump story didn't make front-page coverage; however today (Sept. 20) the Mark Robinson story is a front-page story. Yes, the Greensboro urban area is a Democratic base, but rural Guilford County leans Republican.

Our local newspaper is a disgrace to honest, neutral reporting. The newspaper is just misleading our citizens by spoon-feeding everyone biased, opinionated liberal propaganda.

Benny Pittman

Oak Ridge

Editor's note: Coverage of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was the lead story on the front page on Tuesday and Thursday.

Threat levels

Thanks for publishing the "real threat" letter Wednesday (Sept. 18). How embarrassing for the writer to claim without evidence that Democrats are a threat to democracy, defending Donald Trump, who openly proposes to lead his autocratic government and all the benefits that he, not the people, would amass.

Enough said!

Michael McGrew

Are you joking?

Had this been April, I would have almost thought that the powers that be at the News & Record had played an April Fools' Day joke on their readers. All the thought-provoking, relevant and funny comics had been replaced with antiquated, irrelevant and humorless strips. Refreshed? "Rehashed" might have been a better choice of words to describe the replacements.

Please, tell me that this was merely a joke and that all along you had planned to restore the comics and puzzle pages as they were. Please!

Connie Fowler

Have we nothing?

I have just finished reading today's edition. Not only have we lost our wonderful local journalists; we have now lost our comics. I'm not sure who decided to replace the existing lineup with this sad selection, but I suspect money was behind this.

I realize the world is a terrible place, filled with hatred, anger, crimes against humanity. And I realize these are only comics, but Dear God, have we nothing left?

Deborah Printup

Not refreshing

Your "refreshing" of the comics and puzzles didn't work. The only good thing was bringing back an urban strip, "Curtis."

Bring back "Ziggy," "Peanuts," "Garfield" and "For Better or Worse." Also the "Jumble" and the Sunday "Word Search" should return. They are the main reasons for my subscription.

Marvin Dalton