Times Leader
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Class of 1944 is celebrating its 70th anniversary reunion at 4 p.m. on June 28 at Isabella’s Restaurant, 1140 Route 315, Plains Township. Reservations are due by June 23. Call Patrick Jiunta at 570-655-6218, Rose Marie Panzitta at 570-822-6363 or August Sergi at 570-825-3365.
Class of 1972 is planning a party to celebrate class members’ 60th birthdays from 6-11 p.m. on June 21 at the North End Slovak Club. A buffet will be served at 6:30 p.m. Dancing to a D.J. will take place from 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cost is $23 per person. Checks should be made payable to Eileen Brislin Wellner and mailed to 1217 Kings Circle, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050. Checks will hold reservations. Deadline is June 9. For more information email [email protected] .
Class of 1969 is celebrating its 45th anniversary reunion on Aug. 23 at the Appletree Terrace, Newberry Estates, Dallas. An icebreaker will be held on Aug. 22 at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake. A tour of the new high school will be offered in the afternoon on April 23. Brunch will take place on Aug. 24 at Irem Country Club. Class members who have not been contacted should call 570-675-4905 or email [email protected] .
Class of 2004 is hosting its 10th anniversary reunion at 6 p.m. on May 24 at the River Grille Bar and Restaurant, River Street, Plains Township.
Class of 1974 is hosting its 40th anniversary reunion on Aug. 30 at Sand Springs, Drums. There will be an open bar, dinner and music. Cost is $65 per person. For information, email [email protected] .
Class of 1946 lunch bunch will meet at 1 p.m. on Friday at Theo’s Metro, Kingston.
Class of 1959 is hosting its 55th anniversary reunion from 6-11 p.m. on Aug. 16 at the Mohegan Sun Arena Hotel at Pocono Downs, Plains Township. The cost is $35 per person and reservations are due by July 7. Contact Jayne Searfoss Haefele or John Bonczewski. The reunion committee is seeking addresses for the following classmates, Gail Arnold Reed Golf, Geraldine Bobek Bidding, Nicholas Carmadella, Pamela Emery Buckner, Frank and Karen Cassaniti Mayes and Fran Wozniak.
Class of 1960 will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at Norm’s Pizza and Eatery, South Sherman Street, Wilkes-Barre. Plans for upcoming activities will be discussed. All classmates are invited.
Class of 1951 will meet for a Dutch-treat luncheon at 1 p.m. on Monday at Norm’s Pizza and Eatery, Wilkes-Barre. Plans for the upcoming reunion picnic will be discussed. For more information contact Dolores at 570-655-1699.
Class of 1952 will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday at Norm’s Pizza and Eatery, Wilkes-Barre.
Class of 1961 will get together at 1 p.m. on Tuesday at Patte’s Sports Bar and Restaurant, Wilkes-Barre. All class members, spouses and friends are invited.
Class of 1964 reunion committee will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday at the Eagles Club, Nanticoke. All class members are welcome. Addresses for the following classmates are needed, Susan Allabaugh, Paul Andrews, Robert Bachstein, Marie Blaskowski, Micheline Bomba, Grant Dobbs, John Estock, Bernard Frankowski, Mary Furman, Barbara Golomb, Patricia Havens, Gloria Haydock Eleanor Johathan, Leo Kalinowski, Susan Kaczubski, Joseph Kitler, Robert Kolodziejczak, Carol Kornish, Carol Koslowski, Eric Kowalek, Thomas Kulakowski, Daniel Kuligowski, Frances Kwiatkowski, Frank Lasecki, John Lehman, Edward Lewis, Beverly Machiewicz, Ann Marie Petro, Michael Pipan, Evelyn Pratz, Peter Prezekow, Carl Rees, Judith Rembelles, William Roberts, John Ruck, George Schwarts, George Sharke, Priscilla Sweitzer Blanche Szczucki, Robert Thompson Marlene Ulatowski and Judith Zdziarski. Call 570-735-1225 with any address information.
Class of 1964 is holding a 50th anniversary reunion meeting at 6:30 tonight at Tony’s Pizzeria. The reunion will take place on Sept. 20 at Colarusso’s LaPalazzo, Moosic. Invitations have be sent. Reservations are due by Aug. 1.
Class of 1964 is holding a reunion meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at Grotto Pizza, Edwardsville. All classmates are welcome. Information is being sought for the following class members, Dorothy August Cheponis, Allan Edford, Mark Estock, John P. Joyce, James J. Karolchyk, John D. Petroski, Theresa Walko and Kathleen Volack. Please forward any information to [email protected] .