Times Leader
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Editor’s Note: To have your announcement published in this column please submit the information to Reunions, The Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Email submissions must be sent to [email protected] . Please type “Reunion News” in the subject line. The deadline is each Monday for all copy.
Classes of 1957 will hold a dinner meeting at 6 p.m. on July 24 at Patte’s Sports Bar, 65 W. Hollenback Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Spouses are invited. Reservations are not required. Plans for the annual picnic to be held on Sept. 13 will be discussed.
Classes of 1950 and 1951 will meet at 1 p.m. on Aug. 13 for a luncheon at the Lakeside Skillet, Pole 279, Lakeside Drive, Harveys Lake. All classmates, spouses and friends are invited. Call Marilyn at 570-288-3102 for reservations.
Class of 1952 will hold its monthly luncheon at 1 p.m. on July 29 at Leggio’s Restaurant, Dallas Memorial Highway, Dallas. All graduates, spouses and friends are invited. Plans for the August pool party will be discussed.
Class of 1954 will meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesday at Patte’s Sports Bar and Restaurant to plan the upcoming reunion. All classmates are invited to attend and help in the planning.
Class of 1959 will celebrate its 55th anniversary reunion on Sept. 5 at Wyoming Valley Country Club, 1695 S. Main St., Hanover Township. For more information and to register to attend, contact Nancy Karl Kalafut at 570-824-1101 or June Patrylak Neff at [email protected] . Deadline for reservations is July 31.
All-class reunion is planned for Sept. 20 at the Jenkins Township Hose Company. The event is casual and open to all who attended Jenkins Township schools and the Northeast Jointure School and their spouses. A buffet dinner will include coffee, tea, soda and beer. Entertainment will be provided by Peggy Robertson. Cost is $20 per person. For more information call Bill at 570-654-4430, Eileen at 570-655-1555 or Jean at 570-654-9710. Reservations should be made by Aug. 1.
Class of 1964 is hosting its 50th anniversary reunion on Aug. 15 at the Checkerboard pavilion. Phone numbers and addresses are being sought for the following classmates, William Craze, Dennis Kotch, Beverly Nafus, Regina Nenichka, Mary Ann Payne, Marjorie Peters, Kathleen Sobeck, George Valyo and Cynthia Yaglowski. Contact Ruth Butsick Martin at 570-288-5237 or Al Martino at 570-675-7768 with information.
Class of 1964 reunion committee is seeking addresses for the following classmates, Paul Andrews, Robert Bachstein, Micheline Bomba, Bernard Frankowski, Mary Furman, Barbara Golomb, Eleanor Johathan, Leo Kalinowski, Susan Kaczubski, Robert Kolodziejcak, Carol Koslowski, Eric Kowalek, Thomas Kulakowski, Daniel Kuligowski, Beverly machiewicz, Andrew Novak. Ann Marie Petro, Michael Pipan, Carol Potera, Evelyn Pratz, Peter Prezekop, William Roberts, John Ruck, George Schwartz, Carol Sibert, Pricilla Sweitzer, Marlene Ulatowski and Judith Zdarski. Call 570-735-1225 with information.
Class of 1969 will celebrate its 45th anniversary reunion on Aug. 1-2. There will be golf at the Wyoming Valley Country Club on Aug. 1 followed by an icebreaker. The reunion clambake will take place on Aug. 2 at Konefal’s Grove. Any classmate who has not received information can call Judi or Ed at 570-735-4693.
Reunion and open house will be held on Aug. 16-17 for friends and alumni. The Noxen Historical Community Association will sponsor the annual dinner and open house at the Noxen Historical Community Center (the old Noxen School), School Street, Noxen. Buffet dinner will be served at 6 p.m. on Aug. 16. Cost is $17 per person. Reservations are due by July 26. The open house will be held from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 17. An art show, featuring the works of Chuck Kovalick and his students, will be held on the second floor. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information call 570-298-2052.
Class of 1964 is planning its reunion for Oct. 4 at Fox Hill Country Club, Exeter. Contact information is needed for the following classmates, Jane Burke, John Centrella, Anna Mae Dombroski, Marilouise Graziano, Edward Harrington and Stephanie Kosik. Call Tom or Dianne at 570-654-3735 with any information or questions.
Wildcat Roundup XXIV will be held for all alumni, teachers and anyone who attended the former West Hazleton High School on Aug. 23 at the Nescopeck Township Fire Hall, Briggsville. Reservations are due by Aug. 13. For information and reservations contact Robert Hildebrand, chairman, at 570-788-2515 or Barry Hawk, publicity, at 570-956-6697.