
Times Leader

E.Wright3 months ago

First Posted:

Editor’s note: Please send news for this space by noon Friday to [email protected] or by mail to Good Eats, The Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. To ensure accuracy, information must be typed or computer generated.

THIS WEEK: July 17 to July 23

Halupki (Piggie) Sale, noon-2 p.m. July 17, St. Mary’s Byzantine Church, Social Hall, 522 Madison St., Wilkes-Barre. $1.50 each. Call 829-9288 or walk in.

Spaghetti Supper,

Chicken Barbecue,

Chicken Barbecue,

Chicken Biscuit Dinner,

Pork Barbecue Dinner,

Chicken Barbecue,

Pig Roast, noon-4 p.m. July 21, Queen of the Apostles Parish at St. Mary’s Church, Avoca, Hawthorne and Spring streets. Roasted pig, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, corn on the cob, desserts, soda and water. Children’s games and bake sale. $20 adults; $10 children 6-12; free for children younger than 5. Tickets in advance or at event. 570-457-3412 or Facebook page for Queen of the Apostles Parish, Avoca.

Free Dinner,


Take-Out Chicken Barbecue,

Ice Cream Social,

Family-Style Ham Dinner,

Flea Market and Ziti Dinner,

All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast,

Chicken and Biscuit Dinner,

Crab Fest Fundraiser,

Ethnic Food Festival,