
Times Leader

J.Johnson3 months ago

Monday, September 06, 2004 Page: 13A

Jacob H. Wetzel

Jacob Hunter Wetzel, son of Richard and Rebecca Wetzel of Allentown, is
celebrating his third birthday today, Sept. 6. Jacob is a grandson of Barbara
Antolik, Nanticoke, and the late Robert Antolik. He has a brother, Zachary, 6.
Alexandra M. Howton

Alexandra Marie Howton, daughter of Matthew and Wendy Howton of Mountain
Top, is celebrating her 13th birthday today, Sept. 6. Alex is the
granddaughter of Richard and Sandra Henning, White Haven. She is the
great-granddaughter of Georgia McCluskey, White Haven, and the late Howard
McCluskey. Alex has a brother, Zachary, 6.

Rachelle A. Youells

Rachelle Alexandra Youells, daughter of James and Susan Youells of Forty
Fort, is celebrating her third birthday today, Sept. 6. Rachelle is a
granddaughter of Harold and Rita Jenkins, Forty Fort, and James and Helen
Youells, Plymouth. She is a great-granddaughter of Helen Youells and Lena
Kobusky, both of Plymouth. Rachelle has a sister, Lauren Renee, 11 months.

Kaitlyn E. Franceschelli

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Franceschelli, daughter of James and Rosemary McAuvic
Franceschelli, is celebrating her fourth birthday today, Sept. 6. Kaitlyn is a
granddaughter of Rose M. Franceschelli, Scranton; the late Frank R.
Franceschelli; and the late Donald and Marilyn McAuvic. She has a brother,
Brian, 8, and a sister, Diana, 6.

Alexis J. Spudis

Alexis Jade Spudis, daughter of April Smith and Anthony Spudis of
Edwardsville, is celebrating her second birthday today, Sept. 6. Alexis is the
granddaughter of Donald and Lee Ann Kosloski, Plymouth; Carol Smith,
Edwardsville; and the late Clarence Smith. She is the great-granddaughter of
Martha Kush, Hellertown, and Joan Warkevicz, Edwardsville.

Lauren K. Shission

Lauren Kelsey Shission, daughter of Daniel and Melissa Shission of West
Wyoming, is celebrating her sixth birthday today, Sept. 6. Lauren is a
granddaughter of Dale and Joyce Culver, Wyoming; Daniel Shission, Sweet
Valley; and the late Rosemary Shission. She is a great-granddaughter of
Theresa Shission and Margaret Gavlick, both of Swoyersville. Lauren has a
brother, Austin, 8, and a sister, Kaleigh, 4.

Brandon J. Bartley

Brandon Joseph Bartley, son of Joseph and Brenda Bartley of Bear Creek, is
celebrating his third birthday today, Sept. 6. Brandon is the grandson of Stan
and Adel Brudnicki, Bloomsburg; Jean Bartley, Wilkes-Barre; and the late
Joseph Bartley Sr. He is the great-grandson of Jean Gregory, Wilkes-Barre; the
late Chester and Lillian Jenceleski; and Stanley and Victoria Brudnicki.

Hana and Nora St. Clair

Hana St. Clair, daughter of Lee and Lisa St. Clair of Swoyersville, is
celebrating her fifth birthday today, Sept. 6. Her sister, Nora St. Clair,
celebrated her second birthday Aug. 6. Hana and Nora are the granddaughters of
Joseph and Leona Koschella, Swoyersville, and Bill and Elaine St. Clair,
Lopez. They have a brother, Seth, 6.

Bailey M. Smallcomb

Bailey Madison Smallcomb, daughter of James and Traci Smallcomb of
Wilkes-Barre, is celebrating her first birthday today, Sept. 6. Bailey is the
granddaughter of Joseph and Shirley Smith and James and Elaine Smallcomb, all
of Wilkes-Barre. She is the great-granddaughter of Michael and Ann Fedak,
Ashley. Bailey has a brother, Tyler, 8.

Kyra Yaglowski

Kyra Yaglowski, daughter of Tom and Terri Yaglowski of Pringle, is
celebrating her sixth birthday today, Sept. 6. Kyra is the granddaughter of
Dan and Donna Yaglowski, Pringle; Alice Kennedy, Edwardsville; and Richard
Kennedy, Woodbridge, Va. She has a brother, Zachary, 9.

Zackery J. Evans

Zackery John Evans, son of John and Tara Evans of Hanover Township, is
celebrating his third birthday today, Sept. 6. Zackery is a grandson of Tony
Trzcinski, Plymouth; Betsy Trzcinski, Wilkes-Barre; and Bill and Linda Evans,
Hanover Township. He is a great-grandson of Betty Stash, Wilkes-Barre, and
Richard and Liz Holton, Tunkhannock. Zackery has a sister, Ashley Elizabeth,