
Two candidates to face off in race for San Diego City Attorney

A.Hernandez28 min ago

SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — The San Diego City Attorney is the only city-wide elected position other than the mayor, and while it's not a policy position — meaning it doesn't decide laws ordinances and funding priorities — the city attorney is charged with getting the job done efficiently and legally.

The role is responsible for overseeing prosecutions of misdemeanor crimes, negotiating land deals and defending the city against inevitable lawsuits.

Brian Maienschein, an assemblyman from the 76th district, is squaring off with Heather Ferbert, a current chief deputy city attorney in the race.

LEARN MORE: Meet the candidates running for San Diego City Attorney

"I've always loved local government," said Ferbert. "It felt like I had the right skill set at the right time and with the current city attorney termed out, I knew we needed strong leadership and somebody who understands the role."

Meanwhile, Maienschein's campaign is making it a point to take on the current City Attorney Mara Elliot who is termed out.

"If you look at what the city has gone through over the last several years, it's really been chaos. You look at all the bad land deals, you look at all the mess that the city is in right now paying out tens of millions of dollars. I feel that having a change of leadership down there is important," said Maienschein.

In a rare public statement, Elliot pushed back against the attacks.

Elliot has endorsed Ferbert to take over her current position, while Maienschein has gotten support from San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria.

Both candidates are Democrats with more politicians supporting Maienschein and more members of the law community supporting Ferbert. Find out more about each candidate and listen to their interviews by visiting the FOX 5/KUSI Election Headquarters .

"The support of the legal community [is] behind me, the legal community believes that the City Attorney should be a practicing attorney," said Ferbert.

Maienschein has termed out as a city councilmember and as a state assembly member, and says he believes the City Attorney's office is in need of a change.

"There is a lot that needs to be done and that attention hasn't happened again under the current leadership down there it just hasn't happened over the last several years," said Maienschein.

"[It's] such an important role to keeping our community safe," said Ferbert.