
Video shows bear running through downtown Kittanning

D.Miller14 hr ago

KITTANNING, Pa. (KDKA) - A bear was spotted running through downtown Kittanning on the Fourth of July.

Kayla Montgomery says she was on her way to the YMCA park around noon on Thursday when she recorded a bear sprinting across the road by the Meredith Inn on North Water Street.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates there are about 18,000 bears in the state, and there have been several sightings across the Pittsburgh area this year.

A couple of months ago, Oakmont residents were startled to find a bear roaming their neighborhood . In May, Butler Township police asked residents to be on alert after a black bear and three cubs were spotted in the area. Also in Butler Township this year, a woman was attacked by a bear in her backyard while letting her dog out. That bear was euthanized and its cubs were relocated .

What do you do if you see a bear?

Bear attacks are rare , the Pennsylvania Game Commission says. In most cases, a bear will detect you first and leave.

If you do encounter a bear, the Game Commission recommends making noise to let it know you're there and then backing away slowly while facing the bear. Avoid sudden movements, but if the bear comes towards you, try to intimidate it by waving your arms and shouting.

If it does attack, the Game Commission says to fight back. People have reportedly driven away bears using rocks, sticks, binoculars and even their bare hands.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission has said that it only sees about one or two bear attacks a year.