
'Weston the Boxer' wins Larry Himmel Memorial Patriotic Pet Contest

E.Garcia18 days ago

SAN DIEGO — On the Fourth of July, we celebrate independence and democracy and what could be more American than having a crowd pick San Diego's most 'Patriotic Pet'? In this Zevely Zone , I went to Rancho Bernardo to host the 14th Annual Larry Himmel Memorial Patriotic Pet Contest. This year was my 6th time hosting the pet contest. It's an event hosted in the past by Carlo Cecchetto and Heather Myers, but we all agree there is only one top dog.

The Patriotic Pet Contest is named after Larry Himmel because he hosted the event five times and lived in Rancho Bernardo with his wife Joan, son Miles and dog Cosmo. Larry passed away in 2014 at age 68 from pancreatic cancer. I asked a few CBS viewers why they loved watching Larry.

"Oh, his personality and you could tell he was always really into it. He wasn't just here just to do a job, you could tell he really loved it," said Tom.

Another viewer named Dottie told me, "he was always so upbeat when I watched him on TV."

Larry felt we should all have plenty of freedom on the Fourth of July to celebrate pets.

"Happy Fourth of July," said a family holding their dog dressed in red, white and blue. At a pet contest, there is always a sentimental favorite. Patches the Pomeranian did not win three years in a row. Her family told me this would be her final appearance in the Patriotic Pet Contest and if she didn't win. "She will be sad," said Katherine.

On Independence Day, dogs want their freedom too. What would a pet contest be without a costume malfunction?

"Exactly, as soon as I was about to walk up here everything fell off," said a pet owner about her dog Sidney.

There were three categories; small pets, big pets and other animals.

"This is Hazel. It's a bearded dragon," said a young girl.

Next up came Dasher the defending champ. "He was a rescue and now he is our Poway 4H mascot," said Dasher's guardian. Sadly, this GOAT will not become the greatest of all time. He did not advance to the Grand Championship round.

We always let the crowd pick the winners and in second place the people chose Patches the Pomeranian. This year's crowd favorite was a Boxer who got knocked out in the final round last year.

"Your grand champion is Weston the chicken eating dog!" I announced.

To clarify, Weston is bribed with chicken treats in order to behave, he does not eat actual chickens.

America loves a comeback story because every dog has its day. Congratulations Weston! Happy Fourth of July!

The Larry Himmel Memorial Patriotic Pet Contest is organized by the Rancho Bernardo Community Council. The event honors Larry Himmel's legacy of storytelling and community spirit in San Diego.

This year's prizes were sponsored by Kahoots Feed and Pet .

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