
Cleveland schools to host rally, canvassing event to address student absenteeism

K.Thompson41 min ago
CLEVELAND, Ohio - In recognition of September as Attendance Awareness month, Cleveland Metropolitan School District is hosting a community event to address student absenteeism. The Step Up to Support Our Kids rally will take place on Sept. 21 to raise awareness of the importance of attending school and encourage community involvement.

Doors will open at the Arnold R. Pinkney East Professional Center at 9 a.m., before a rally featuring speakers and student performances begins at 10 a.m.

At 10:45 a.m., participants and volunteers will depart for canvassing targeted neighborhood sites, where they'll knock on doors, promoting school attendance and enrollment, until the event concludes at 1 p.m.

Registration is available online .

Superintendent Warren Morgan emphasized the importance of boosting attendance during the recent board of education meeting.

"Last year, we did a lot of effort to make sure we increased student attendance and also decreased chronic absenteeism," Morgan said in the meeting. "So, now, more than ever, we want to make sure our scholars are ready, in school, prepared and on time."

The Arnold R. Pinkney East Professional Center is located at 1349 E. 79th St. in Cleveland.