
Diddy Spiked Baby Oil With Date Rape Drug: Accuser’s Lawyer

J.Rodriguez31 min ago

This contains graphic descriptions of an alleged gang rape that some readers may find upsetting.

Shamed music mogul Diddy may have spiked some of his 1,000 bottles of baby oil to incapacitate his victims, an attorney for alleged rape victim Ashley Parham told The Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast spoke to Ariel Mitchell, a Miami litigator who filed a disturbing new complaint on behalf of Parham on Tuesday. The complaint alleges that Diddy and other men violently raped her with a TV remote after she dissed the mogul, telling his friend she wasn't interested in meeting him because she believed he may have had something to do with the murder of Tupac Shakur.

Mitchell told The Daily Beast that she believed the oil was spiked based on her client describing to her how she went "more and more limp" when Diddy slathered her in copious amounts of oil before and during the alleged gang rape.

The attorney told The Daily Beast: "She said to me that she didn't know what else it could have been. She said: 'I felt every time they squirted the liquid on me, I went more and more limp. I didn't know what was happening.'"

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Mitchell said that she then discovered from her own research that baby oil could be used as "a conduit" for date rape drugs such as GHB or Rohypnol and that it was her "personal belief" that Diddy had used spiked baby oil to subdue Parham.

In the suit, filed in in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Parham alleges that after threatening her with a knife, Diddy "retrieved a bottle of liquid from a large fanny pack" and "then squirted a bottle of liquid on plaintiff which placed her in fear that she was being squirted with a chemical substance like acid. Plaintiff soon realized the substance was oil/lubricant. Plaintiff was squirted with this substance over the entirety of her naked body."

In a horrifying account, Parham's suit alleges: "Diddy then picked up a television remote that was near Plaintiff and violently inserted it into Plaintiff's vagina. Defendant Diddy, while violently raping Plaintiff with a television remote, told Plaintiff that her life was in his hands and that if he wanted he could "take her" and she would never be seen again."

The suit then alleges that Diddy ordered his co-defendant Shane Pierce to turn her over, put a pillow over her head "because he didn't want to see her face or hear her cries and instructed Defendant Shane to anally rape Plaintiff."

Parham alleges she was also raped by two other John Does, claiming that "her body was becoming more and more limp over the course of the violent rape until eventually she had no control over her body nor could she move her body."

When Parham recovered and told Diddy she would report him to the police, according to the suit, Diddy allegedly "told Plaintiff no one would ever believe she had been raped by him and if she did tell anyone such that they would harm her family."

She alleges that she was then showed a photo of "her sister sitting on the couch and her sister's spouse on the balcony" on one of the John Does' phones.

Incredibly, the suit alleges: "Diddy then called his mother in an effort to further convince Plaintiff not to report her assault. Defendant Diddy's mother yelled at Plaintiff to not hurt her son. Plaintiff told Defendant Diddy's mother that her son had violently raped Plaintiff. Defendant Diddy's mother, seemingly unphased by the statement, then continued her demands with Plaintiff to take the money being offered and not report the rape to law enforcement."

Mitchell told The Daily Beast of Diddy: "I definitely think he needs two things, punishment for the crime and he needs help for his psychosis. He is clearly not a sane or well man if he has committed these crimes. No sane person would do these things. No one would have these things done.

"Ashley Parham is a woman in California who has had the courage to come forward in her own name. She is not hiding behind a pseudonym. That should mean something to people."

Mitchell told The Daily Beast that Parham was tricked into going to the house where she was raped after the man who lived there, who was a friend of Diddy's, told her he had cancer and was too weak to open his medication bottles.

"She went over and that was the day the rape happened," Mitchell said.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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