
Former Hawley mentor endorses local independent for U.S. Senate

S.Ramirez3 days ago

Aug. 28—Independent U.S. Senate candidate Jared Young received an endorsement Thursday from a Republican stalwart and former mentor of current Sen. Josh Hawley.

Republican John Danforth, who served three terms in the U.S. Senate representing Missouri from 1976-1995, announced his endorsement of Young, a Webb City resident, in a written release.

Danforth also served two terms as Missouri attorney general and as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

"I am honored by Sen. Danforth's endorsement," Young said. "We share the belief there are real solutions to complex problems if we can reject the angry, divisive tactics that have overtaken American politics."

Young is a moderate conservative and independent candidate running under the Better Party for the Senate seat representing Missouri.

Young said one other candidate for federal office, former Ferguson City Council member Blake Ashby, is running for the U.S. House in Missouri's 1st District in the St. Louis area under the Better Party ticket.

"The party itself was more meant to be a vehicle to get independents on the ballot," Young said. "It really has three kind of guiding principles as a party. The first is that we treat others with kindness and respect and civility, especially political opponents. The second is that we are willing to consider ideas from all over the political spectrum and judge ideas based on their merits rather than their origin. And the third is that we reject the concept that the ends justify the means. I think so many of the bad things that happen in our politics are because people have have come to a point where they believe that their cause is so just and so righteous, and they can do anything in pursuit of that cause and have it be justified, even if it's dishonest or against the law or just mean."

Danforth, in his written endorsement, said Young "embraces the ideas that have always defined the Republican Party and have been universally accepted across its membership."

Danforth said those ideas include:

—Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, including acceptance of the vote of the people, obedience to the decisions of the courts and support for the peaceful transfer of power.

"We believe that the events of January 6, 2021, the date of the mob assault on the Capitol, constituted a direct attack on the Constitution and created one of the darkest days in American history," he said.

—Support for Abraham Lincoln's founding principle that the GOP is the party of the Union, of holding America together as one indivisible nation.

"We reject the politics of grievance and rage that divides Americans as us against them," he said.

—Emphasis on fiscal responsibility.

"We oppose the explosion of our national debt that weakens America and imposes a burden on future generations," Danforth said.

—Belief in free enterprise and the private sector as the greatest source of prosperity, not big government interventions, rejecting high protective tariffs and price controls.

—Advocacy of peace through strength and belief that a peaceful world depends on a strong America with a national defense that is second to none.

"We are committed to supporting NATO, and we condemn Vladimir Putin's ambitions in Europe," Danforth said. "We are steadfast in opposing Russian aggression. As a lifelong conservative now running on the Better Party ticket, Jared Young stands for the Constitution, Unity, Fiscal Responsibility, Free Markets and Peace through Strength. Josh Hawley rejects all of these."