
Goat tags along Trick-or-Treating with Correctionville family

J.Mitchell10 hr ago
CORRECTIONVILLE, Iowa (KTIV) - Trick-or-treaters always want to have the best accessories with them as they collect candy on Halloween.

For one second grader, in Correctionville, Iowa, that accessory was her family's goat.

Kooper Baker decided to dress up as a goat wrangler for Halloween this year. And, it just so happens, her family owns a goat farm.

Kooper's partner for the night was a 2-year-old American Lamancha named Beans. The Baker family says Beans is more like a dog than a goat.

Shaelee Baker recounted when the family first got introduced to Beans a year an a half ago, "We went to a sale barn, there were about 30 goats. Kooper was with us and [Beans] just followed her around everywhere, so we were like 'Oh, we've got to get him."

And on Halloween night, Beans did just that. He followed Kooper around from house to house, trick or treating with the Baker family.

"We have lots of goats and I just decided I wanted to be a goat wrangler," said Baker. "Beans is super calm, he'll walk around like a dog."

The Baker family told KTIV that Kooper and Beans were a big hit around the Correctionville community tonight.