
hit Clevedon street say 'no one's helping us'

J.Wright29 min ago
Flood affected shops say 'no one's helping us' Retail businesses in Clevedon have been complaining about regular flooding outside their shops.

Following heavy rain throughout Sunday and Monday several shops had their entrances surrounded by water, meaning they had to close or turn customers away.

The owner of The Signature Salon on the Triangle told the BBC, "no one is helping us" and said drainage issues had contributed to regular flooding in recent years.

A North Somerset Council spokesperson said officials are meeting Wessex Water next week to discuss the issue.

Clevedon, along with many other parts of England and Wales , has been battered by heavy rain and flash flooding during the last 24 hours.

Some communities experienced a month's worth of rain in a matter of hours.

The Met Office issued an amber weather warning on Monday that ended at 21:00 BST across parts of central and southern England, including Clevedon in North Somerset.

Elizabeth Jack, who owns the salon, said: "I'm angry. Really, really angry.

"It's already difficult keeping your business going in this current climate.

"Now we've got this on top of it."

Daniel Adams, owner of Stationary House which is also on the Triangle, said: "This has been going on for three years.

"Every time we get any kind of rain the drain can't cope and it backs up, and the whole road and shop gets flooded. I'm very annoyed and very angry.

"The amount of money that we're going to lose money in lost sales, the amount of money we've lost in stock, the amount of inconvenience it causes is just ridiculous."

North Somerset Council said it is aware of "localised flooding" on the Triangle and it "understands the impact this is having on the local community".

"We've designed drainage improvement works to help resolve this issue," the spokesperson said.

"We're working closely with Wessex Water to progress this, as they maintain the sewers in North Somerset.

"We're meeting with them again this week, and we hope to have positive updates to share with you soon."